5 Ways To Stay Happy and Healthy While Staying at Home

The key to feeling happy and staying healthy at home is to keep your activity level high. Here are five ways to take great care of your physical, emotional and mental health even if you can’t leave the house.

1. Good Emotions: Connect With Friends and Family

You need your friends and family, and they need you. Even if you can’t talk long, just seeing a friendly face can do wonders for your heart. There’s simply no replacement for a laugh or smile from loved ones.

How can you keep in touch while following social distancing to stay safe? Share the love digitally. Download video-conferencing apps such as WhatsApp or Zoom. These tools are easy to learn.

Phone calls, emails and text messages can also spread welcome morning cheer to friends. With voice technology, composing a heartfelt message is easy.

2. Calm Heart: Limit Negative News

The coronavirus is bad. You understand that. But you don’t need to keep hearing about it multiple times every day. Many health experts recommend cutting down on the amount of coronavirus-related news you watch.

This can reduce your anxiety levels significantly. Ironically, the less stress you have, the stronger your immune system. Instead of staying up late watching the news, get a good night’s sleep and wake up completely refreshed.

3. Active Mind: Put Together a Jigsaw Puzzle

Fight boredom by exercising your mind. Jigsaw puzzles are the perfect recipe for days stuck at home: they keep you entertained, take a long time to finish and feel rewarding from beginning to end.

The beautiful and sometimes humorous images of many puzzles can give you a positive attitude. Try ordering custom jigsaw puzzles online using pictures of your grandkids!

Sudoku, crossword puzzles, adult coloring books and other brain games can be just as effective. The important thing is to give your mind a healthy workout.

What are the best foods for staying healthy during the coronavirus? Follow a colorful diet. Eat lots of red bell peppers, broccoli, spinach, strawberries, yogurt and fresh fish.

4. Healthy Body: Stick to Your Exercise Routine

Now’s a great time to pick a dedicated exercise spot and do some exercise every day. Alternate excellent stretching exercises like Pilates with moderate activities that make you sweat: dancing, strength training or riding an exercise bike.

Keeping up a healthy exercise routine offers many benefits:

  • Excellent cardiovascular health
  • Great emotional health
  • Comforting sense of structure
  • Gratifying feeling of accomplishment

Plus, you get to watch your tummy getting slimmer every day. Having a stunning waistline can definitely make you smile.

5. Satisfied Tummy: Make Delicious and Nutritious Meals From Scratch

It’s easier than ever to have groceries delivered to your door. Instead of ordering takeout, get your hands on colorful fruit, crunchy veggies and nutrient-packed proteins.

It may take longer to prepare breakfast, lunch or dinner from scratch, but honestly time is something you have in abundance right now. Making nutritious meals is good for your whole body:

  • Making meals gives you a satisfying activity boost
  • Eating fresh fruit and veggies provides higher levels of nutrients
  • Avoiding takeout lowers cholesterol and glucose
  • Getting vitamins is essential for a healthy immune system

Cooking is a great way to stay entertained and stay healthy at the same time. It gives you more flexibility for eating healthy and making things that get your mouth watering.

Most Common Causes for Seniors to Lose Vision

Vision, for many people, is one of the most precious of the five senses. It allows you to get around more easily, read books and cards, and look at the faces of the people you love most. As with all the other senses, vision tends to become less crisp with age. In fact, the National Center for Health Statistics estimates that approximately 13.5% of adults in the United States ages 65 and older have vision loss. Here are the most common causes for seniors to lose vision, in no particular order.


Glaucoma is a disease that affects the optic nerve in the eye. Usually, it occurs when fluid builds up on the front portion of the eye. As the fluid pools, it places pressure on the inner eye and damages the optic nerve.

There are two main types of glaucoma: primary open-angle glaucoma and angle-closure glaucoma. The first type is the most common, and it tends to occur gradually. The second type is less common, but far more serious. It usually comes on suddenly and can cause permanent vision loss if it is not treated right away.

For people over 60 years of age, glaucoma is the leading cause of blindness. The good news is that the condition can be prevented if treatment is sought early.

Age-Related Macular Degeneration

As you age, you’re more likely to develop vision loss from age-related macular degeneration. This condition causes loss of sight in the center of your field of vision. It’s also one of the leading causes of permanent vision loss in people aged 60 and older.

Age-related macular degeneration happens when the macula, or middle portion of the retina, wears down. As it does, it causes blurry vision that tends to progress with time. There are two main forms of age-related macular degeneration: dry form and wet form. The dry form type occurs when drusen, or yellow deposits, form in the macula and distort or dim vision. The wet form happens when blood vessels beneath the macula leak fluid into the retina. This distorts vision and can create blind spots. Over time, the bleeding blood vessels can begin to scar, which frequently leads to permanent central vision loss.

If you have any symptoms of macular degeneration, including blurry vision or dark areas in the center of your vision, go to your eye doctor immediately. If diagnosed with the condition, you’ll need to make regular eye doctor appointments to manage it as much as possible.

Diabetic Retinopathy

Seniors with diabetes have an increased chance of developing an eye condition called diabetic retinopathy. This condition happens when the blood vessels in the retina are damaged by high blood sugar. Over time, the blood vessels can become inflamed and begin to leak. They can also close off completely, which prevents blood from passing through to the eye. All of these issues can affect your vision or cause total loss of sight.

Symptoms of diabetic retinopathy usually affect both eyes and may include poor night vision, an increasing number of “floaters,” or “washed-out” vision. It’s very important to see your eye doctor if you experience any of these symptoms so you can receive treatment.


Cataracts typically develop slowly over years and they can make it seem like you’re viewing the world through a cloudy window. Cataracts are characterized by a clouding of the eye lens. There are different types of cataracts, but fortunately, most can be removed with a simple surgery.

Special Offer

Before we wrap up, I wanted to tell you about a little-known eyesight vitamin that's been used by professional baseball players for decades...

And you can get it for 50% off today!

Researchers at the University of Georgia recently discovered that this unique nutrient can help aging adults protect and restore their vision.

And best of all, studies show it can “wipe away blurry vision” in as little as 15 minutes flat!

Learn more here:

>> “Windex Trick” for Sharper Eyesight (try it now with 50% off)

Activities To Improve Balance

It’s perfectly natural to feel a little less sure-footed in your golden years. In fact, nearly 40% of older adults are affected by balance difficulties. The great news is that there are things you can do to improve your balance and reduce your risk of falling. Here are simple activities that will help strengthen the muscles responsible for good balance. Give one or more a try every day for a few weeks and see firsthand how they can help you get your steadiness back.

Rock the Boat

If you’re a little rebellious and like to rock the boat, do this exercise to keep yourself steady while you do.

  1. Stand with your feet hip-width apart.

  2. Concentrate on pressing your weight equally into both feet.

  3. Carefully shift your weight to your left foot and use a controlled motion to extend your right foot out in front of you. You don’t have to lift your leg high.

  4. Hold this position for 30 seconds.

  5. Lower your right leg slowly back to the floor and repeat the actions on the other side (shifting your weight to your right foot and lifting your left foot in front of you).

Repeat this exercise five to 10 times on each leg.

Tightrope Walk

Have you always longed to walk on a tightrope? Now’s your chance! Here’s how to perform this safe and easy balance exercise.

  1. Place a piece of masking tape (5-6 feet long) on the ground.

  2. Stand at one edge of the masking tape and hold your arms out to the sides.

  3. Walk along the center of the masking tape until you reach the other side.

You can turn around and repeat this process until you feel pretty confident in your balancing abilities.

Heel-Toe Walking

This exercise is great if you’re looking for more of a challenge. Here’s how to do it.

  1. Place a string or long strip of tape on the floor.

  2. Hold your arms out to the sides while you stand on one end of the string or tape.

  3. Walk in a straight line across the string or tape, placing the back of your heel against your opposite toes with each step you take.

  4. Move slowly! Heel-toe walking can be trickier than you expect.

You can continue this activity for 20 steps or more. It should start to get easier over time.

Flamingo Stand

You’ll need a chair to perform this great balancing exercise.

  1. Using a chair for support, stand with your weight on your left leg.

  2. Slowly lift your right leg in front of you, bending at the knee.

  3. Tighten your core muscles and stand tall as you bring your leg up.

  4. Hold your leg up for 5-15 seconds before slowly bringing it back down.

  5. Repeat on the opposite side.

You can do this exercise 5-10 times on each side. Perform it daily for optimum balance-improving results.


Remember the old days when you used to do the touch-step, rock step across the dance floor? You can work similar balance muscles by performing this fun and easy side-stepping move in the comfort of your own home.

  1. Stand with your feet close together.

  2. Step sideways with your right foot, while lifting your leg high (as if you’re stepping over something on the floor).

  3. Lift your left foot and bring it next to your right foot.

  4. Continue side-stepping until you reach the other side of the room.

To make sure you work both sides of your body evenly, repeat this process while leading with your left foot.

These exercises are simple enough for anyone to complete, and they’re safe to do at home. If you do them consistently, you’ll lower your risk of falls and related injuries. Learn more about how to stay healthy while you age here.

6 Ways to Boost Your Metabolism

Did you know that the idea that your metabolism slows down a ton as you age is just a myth? It’s true that you don’t burn calories as much as when you were 20, but the difference isn’t as huge as you may think. So why does it seem easier to put on pounds after 60?

For many people, that answer has to do with their habits. Some adults unconsciously start to limit their activity level instead of enjoying every day to the max. It’s a good thing that you’re determined to get the most excitement out of life!

Staying active is one of the best things you can do to burn calories. Here are six valuable tips for boosting your metabolism:

1. Eat a Colorful Diet

Superfoods help your metabolism by giving it valuable nutrients for energy production. Exotic fruits and colorful veggies are packed with antioxidants, minerals and other natural substances that enhance weight loss. For example, broccoli, cabbage and Brussels sprouts have lots of B vitamins and calcium. Citrus fruit such as grapefruit and lemons are rich in vitamin C, which burns fat more quickly. Also, a healthy diet with lots of fruit and vegetables helps you drop pounds in a long-lasting, natural way.

2. Prioritize Healthy Proteins Over Carbs

Your body uses up more energy burning proteins than carbohydrates. Including plenty of healthy protein can kick your metabolism into high gear. Here are some of the best proteins for reaching your weight loss goals:

  • Low-fat cheese or yogurt
  • Fish
  • Chicken
  • Nuts and peanuts
  • Beans
  • Lentils
  • Turkey
  • Tofu

For this to work, it’s important to choose proteins that are low in fat. Also, keep your protein intake balanced with other nutritious foods. Supplements are an important way to make sure you’re getting all the vitamins and minerals your body needs.

3. Focus on Aerobic Exercise

It’s time to get sweating. Aerobic exercise does wonders for your metabolism and your heart. Any activity that accelerates your heart rate boosts calorie burning, including using an elliptical machine at the gym or swimming laps in a pool. Brisk walking, Pilates and rowing are some low-impact aerobics options perfect for people with tender joints. If you prefer the high-impact variety, go for a jog or enjoy an intense step aerobics session.

4. Get Your Full Eight Glasses of Water

For your beautiful metabolic machine to run smoothly, it needs water — all eight glasses! Staying hydrated delivers more oxygen to your muscles and increases metabolic activity significantly. According to a study mentioned in Redbook magazine, drinking water supercharged metabolism by up to 30%! Natural juices and drinks containing electrolytes can also be effective, but steer clear of sugary cheats.

5. Stay Energized All Day Long

When you feel energized, it’s easier to exercise and spend time outdoors. This creates a positive cycle where you lose weight and feel great, which actually helps keep your metabolism running hot.

Professional athletes stay in top shape by eating smaller portions of nutritious foods several times during the day. A healthy snack every 3 or 4 hours helps the metabolism burn calories nonstop.

Green tea is another secret for staying energized. Its caffeine content improves fat burning. Special antioxidants called catechins (especially EGCG) boost your metabolism’s output during exercise and while you rest. It’s not a magic pill, but green tea extract can help you drop pounds faster than normal.

6. Live an Adventurous Life

Take care of your metabolism and it will take care of you. Don’t let the temptation to sink into a cozy recliner and binge on Netflix win! Harness the power of your metabolism to do the things you really love in life.

Even your favorite hobbies can keep your blood pumping. Go for a stroll, tend to your garden or indulge your passion for outdoor photography. Staying in motion every day has great effects on your body, emotions and mind.

How To Reduce The Appearance Of Stretch Marks

If you’ve ever struggled with your weight, been pregnant or gone through a rapid growth spurt, you probably have stretch marks. In fact, it’s estimated that 80 percent of all people have stretch marks, though women are more likely to get them than men.

Those little pink, white or purple lines that stretch across various body parts are the subject of much angst. In an effort to live peacefully with them, multiple campaigns have been created to urge people—particularly women—to embrace their stretch marks as beautiful designs rather than flaws.

Though it’s important to love and appreciate your body no matter what it looks like, you may still wish to at least minimize the appearance of your stretch marks. There’s nothing wrong with wanting to improve the way you look, as long as your goals are safe and attainable. Fortunately, it is possible to reduce the appearance of stretch marks without undergoing major surgery or other invasive procedures. Here’s how.

How Stretch Marks Appear

Before you take steps to minimize your stretch marks, you should understand how they form. Stretch marks are actually scars that develop when the skin stretches rapidly. They can also develop when the skin shrinks abruptly. Changes in skin tautness occur when the elastin and collagen in the skin rupture. As they heal, stretch marks form.

Once they form, stretch marks are usually permanent. However, they do tend to fade over time. If you leave them alone, they can take years to fade to the point where they are no longer very obvious. If you want to speed up that process, here are some things you can do to help stretch marks fade more quickly.

Apply Stretch Mark Creams and Lotions

While research shows mixed results when it comes to stretch mark creams and lotions, researchers say that some products can help minimize scarring. However, they must be applied every day for several weeks before results appear. You should also take time to carefully massage stretch mark products into your skin to maximize their effectiveness.

Avoid Tanning Beds

It’s already a well-known fact that tanning beds increase your risk of skin cancer. It turns out they can also make your stretch marks much more noticeable. That’s because stretch marks don’t tan as readily as the rest of your skin. So each time you get in a tanning bed, you increase the visibility of your stretch marks while putting yourself at increased risk of skin cancer. Avoid both scenarios by staying away from tanning beds.

Apply a Self-Tanner

Although tanning beds can make your stretch marks stand out even more, self-tanner can do the opposite. Self-tanner won’t get rid of stretch marks, but it can help camouflage them so they blend in better with the rest of your skin.

Eat a Healthy Diet

Some foods are known to help the body increase its own production of elastin and collagen. Leafy greens and brightly-colored fruits and vegetables are particularly helpful for increasing elastin and collagen and contributing to healthy skin that stretches and springs back more readily. If your diet is rich in these types of foods, you may be able to minimize the appearance of future stretch marks.

Dermatology Procedures

There are a variety of procedures dermatologists use to minimize the appearance of stretch marks. Some of these include:

  • Radiofrequency
  • Chemical peels
  • Microdermabrasion
  • Ultrasounds
  • Laser therapy

For optimal results, your dermatologist may recommend multiple therapies in combination. It’s important to have realistic expectations and understand that there is no known therapy that can completely remove stretch marks.

Whether you have new, brightly colored stretch marks or yours have faded over time, these techniques can help them fade even further. Try one or all of them today and within weeks you could start seeing positive results.

Easy Ways To Lower Blood Pressure

lower blood pressure

Did you know nearly half of all adults in the United States have hypertension? In 2017 alone, hypertension was listed as a primary or contributing cause for just under half a million U.S. deaths. These shocking statistics show how prevalent high blood pressure is, and how important it is to get it under control.

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