According to the CDC, one in three adults does not get enough sleep. The standard requirement for adults is between six and nine hours, with seven and a half being the average. How much sleep do you get every night?
With the stresses of every day, many people find it challenging to fall asleep. That difficulty often leads to the inclusion of dietary supplements or sleep aids. However, some aids are less effective than others, and others can be addictive or dangerous.
Two potential sleep aids that have proven effective and safe are melatonin and CBD. To learn which is a possible solution for you, consider the pros and cons of each.
Providing a Natural Boost To Biological Production: Melatonin Advantages and Disadvantages
Melatonin is a hormone produced in the pineal gland. It is a chemical that helps your body regulate its sleep-wake cycles by telling your brain and system when it is time to rest. Melatonin supplements, then, help to boost your body’s natural production to help tell your brain it is time for bed.
While the sleep hormone is advantageous for travelers and people experiencing jet lag, it might not be the best option for everyone. There is evidence to suggest that some OTC supplements can have adverse interactions with prescriptions, so always talk to your primary care physician before adding melatonin to your nightly routine.
If you want to experience the most benefit from taking a melatonin supplement, you need to take it a few hours before bed. The supplement takes time to work, but unfortunately, once you take it, you will experience drowsiness after a couple of hours, which means you don’t want to get the urge to go out partying. Stay home and sleep.
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The Versatility and Quickness of CBD: Pros and Cons
If the slow build and restrictions of melatonin bother you, you might want to consider CBD. The natural supplement is still in its infancy as far as learning about adverse reactions, but there aren’t any disturbing or profound findings yet. Nevertheless, to be safe, consult your doctor before using.
One of the significant advantages of CBD over melatonin is that CBD works quickly, typically within 10 minutes. Additionally, the supplement is known to help alleviate anxiety and minor aches and pains.
Because CBD does not contain THC, you can find it at grocery stores and other locations. You can also purchase it online and have it delivered legally. Additionally, you can find it in pills, vapes, gummies, and more, meaning there is an option for everyone.
Which is Right for You
The decision between a melatonin supplement or CBD is a personal choice. While CBD works faster with limited adverse side effects, some people might feel uncomfortable taking it. While a natural hormone produced in the body, Melatonin can interact with prescriptions when found in specific formulations. Before opting for any sleep aid, it is best to consult your doctor and ask their opinion.
Do you have experience with melatonin or CBD supplements? Have you experienced any adverse reactions? Leave a comment below and help keep the conversation going. While this article only addressed these two sleep supplements, do you have any other healthy tips and tricks for people suffering from poor sleep?
Exercise Exercise Exercise.
MUST for better asleep..
You can use any of the two which suits you. Both are ok. Melotonin is little slow but harmless and I think better.
I take Melatonin 5 mg before bed. During the day I take 250 mg of CBD oil. I have been sleeping much better. I also am on Klonipine, Cymbalta and Wellbutrin for anxiety, depression.
I use CBD oil to help me sleep, joint pain,.
I use both CBD and melatonin right before bedtime and keeps me asleep for at least 6 hours. I am 67 years old and have been having trouble sleeping for about two years now even before covid appeared and I find the combination to be relaxing. I wake feeling refreshed. Do you have any info about using both? I am not on any pharmacy meds yet, hoping not ever but who knows what the future might bring.
Melatonin helps rebalance one’s circadian rhythm — as in jet lag — buy taking it about an hour before going to bed. If I awake in the night and can’t go back to sleep I take 500 mg CBD which relaxes me. But the best solution of all to aid sleep is to wear blue light blocking glasses when watching TV after sundown!
I have never found CBD oil to make me sleepy when taken during the mid-day. My wife and I have taken Melatonin just before bed for many years and feel that it is a big help in getting a good nights sleep. My wife is now 87 yrs old and has gone from 3 mg at night to 10 mg. If she wakes up in the middle of the night I sometimes give her another 10 mg to get back to sleep. She has Lewy Bodies dementia for about 5 yrs. now.
I have been a Registered Nurse since 1979 and stopped active nursing in 2012. I almost did not make it because of Ovarian Cancer. It was not caught for my 1st emergency surgery, but rather my 2nd emergency surgery. I had Stage 4 endometriosis and it grew like ivy into my large bowel,, strangulating it. So I was about to blowup! Literally. Six feet were taken off and I woke up in the Intensive Care Unit, with a Colostomy. I had it for 2 years and in order to be a candidate for reattachment , I had to have enough bowel. Hence, all the tests etc.
Only this year was I diagnosed with Fibromalgia which I have had for decades. But I worked through it taking Ibuprofen and Tylenol. It was suggested to me that I try the CBD oil. So tentatively I ordered it online. CBD which looked like a deodorant stick, 2 bath bombs which I will use. I’m not a bath person but I have to according to the Rheumotologist. Heat works. I am on 3 pages of medications because of my Ovarian Cancer and thank goodness I kept on insisting(husband as well) to take my appendix out since it was stuck to the intestines and only one end was visible for a biopsy which was OK. This is how my bowel cancer was found but thankfully in the early stages. I find this year that my whole body pain is difficult to manage.
So I’m in the infancy stage of researching my options. I just started taking Melatonin sublingual(under the tongue) before bedtime.
I am a nighthawk and because I am a caregiver for my husband who has brain cancer, the number of hours I sleep is usually 4-5 since he wakes me up.
I think my next step will be to order the CBD oil and try and combine it with Melatonin.
I would appreciate any suggestions or observations.