Personal Sleep: Understanding the Best and Worst Ways To Sleep for You

For most people, finding a sleep position is about finding the most comfortable position possible. Sometimes, you end up sprawled out across the mattress on your stomach, and other times, on your side with your knees tucked into your chest. However, despite the various options, you likely favor one position over others, and that position will typically fall into one of three categories: back, side, or stomach sleeper. Which position is right or wrong depends on the individual.

The Back or Supine Position

Sleeping on one’s back is often touted as the superior sleep position because it reduces stress on the body, improving muscle or joint pain symptoms. Additionally, adjustments to this position, like raised feet, can reduce swelling and risks associated with congestive heart failure. However, the supine position is not for everyone.

People who struggle to breathe at night or are diagnosed with sleep apnea will find this position challenging and even life-threatening. The position allows the tongue and lower jaw to shift backward, potentially obstructing the airway. Sleeping on the back can also lead to louder snoring.

The Side or Lateral Position

Sleeping on one’s side, either the left or the right, can circumvent the potential problems of the supine position. Many side sleepers find it easier to breathe in the lateral position and report less snoring and reduced sleep apnea symptoms. Additionally, for individuals with joint or knee pain, especially when it affects one side more than the other, sleeping on the opposite side with a pillow between the knees can relieve pain and improve sleep.

The primary cons of sleeping in the lateral position are increased pressure, shifting organs, and the potential of increased shoulder, hip, and lower back pain. When you sleep on your side, gravity automatically pulls on your internal organs, putting pressure on the heart from the lungs. The effects of pressure on the heart include heart strain and increased kidney output.

The Stomach or Prone Position

Not many people sleep on their stomachs. The prone position often requires the head to be turned to either side, with the arms in any number of positions and the legs straight out. The advantages of prone sleep include the avoidance of many of the supine problems and the organ shifts of the lateral position. Additionally, a prone position can provide greater comfort, especially when the sleeping surface is not ideal.

However, the prone position is not the best position to sleep because of the risks of neck, shoulder, and back injuries. The need to twist the neck to one side or the other puts pressure on the neck, shoulders, and upper back. It can also make it hard to breathe. Sleeping on one’s stomach means the body’s weight is restricting the motion of the ribs and pressing down on the lungs, making it hard to breathe.

Which sleep position is best? Unfortunately, there is no straight answer because everyone is unique. You might not have a problem breathing at night, meaning that a supine position is superior, or you might struggle with knee pain, making a lateral position more favorable. Essentially, the position that is best for you is the one that allows the most comfortable and uninterrupted night’s sleep. You can visit a sleep specialist if you want a more specific answer.

What is your favorite sleep position?

Try These 3 Amazing Foods That Lower Your BP

lower blood pressure

1. Salmon

Salmon is a true heart health superstar. This tasty fish is packed with omega-3 fatty acids, special compounds with incredible benefits for your entire circulatory system. Many studies show that omega-3s can reduce triglyceride levels, keep your arteries healthy, prevent blood clots and fight inflammation. Even better, they can cause a significant drop in blood pressure!

To give your diet a delicious boost of BP-fighting omega-3s, bake or grill salmon fillets with your favorite herbs:

  1. Season the salmon fillets with thyme, oregano or garlic (or all three).
  2. Place each portion in parchment paper or foil.
  3. Sprinkle a dash of lemon juice and drizzle some olive oil on top.
  4. Fold parchment or foil and place in a preheated oven.
  5. Bake salmon for 12-15 minutes at 450 degrees Fahrenheit.

Salmon isn’t the only fish that has omega-3s, but it’s one of the best sources. You can also try mackerel, arctic char, black cod, rainbow trout and albacore tuna. Anchovies and sardines are spectacular for omega-3s, but you need to get them fresh, not canned. Omega-3 oils made from fresh fish are also an option.

2. Garlic

Including more garlic in your meals has two big benefits for blood pressure. First, garlic can make your arteries open wider, improving blood flow and getting rid of hypertension. The easier it is for your heart to pump blood, the less it has to work.

Second, garlic is a natural flavor enhancer. If you’re trying to reduce your salt intake, garlic makes a great replacement. That way you can eat healthy and still enjoy meals that taste amazing.

The next time you feel like something sweet and zesty, make honey-garlic chicken. Use skinless chicken breast, honey, fresh ginger, scallions, low-sodium soy sauce and plenty of garlic. With these tangy and tasty ingredients, you’ll be surprised how flavorful everything is without adding salt!

3. Spinach

Say goodbye to high blood pressure for good with the power of spinach. Leafy greens are a phenomenal source of potassium. In fact, fresh spinach gives you more potassium than bananas. Why is that important for BP?

Potassium is the enemy of sodium. By increasing the amount of potassium you get every day, it flushes excess salt from your system. This can drastically reduce blood pressure.

In addition to these BP benefits, spinach contains a ton of nutrients. It’s rich in vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin D, vitamin K, calcium and magnesium. Spinach can give you stronger bones, better eyesight and a healthier immune system.

Not a fan of spinach? That’s OK. There are other leafy greens you can try instead. Sauteed or steamed broccoli makes the perfect complement to any meal. For a delicious salad, toss together romaine lettuce, arugula, Swiss chard and beet greens with a vinaigrette made of olive oil and balsamic vinegar.

The Key To Lowering BP With Nutritious Foods

Lowering your blood pressure is all about eating less salt and unhealthy fats. There are lots of delicious foods that can help, such as fresh blueberries, low-fat Greek yogurt, whole-grain oatmeal and unsalted pistachios. Once you've got a healthy meal plan, you’re good to go!

The Wonderous Health Benefits of Baking Soda

There’s nothing exceptional about baking soda, right? After all, it’s just an ingredient you add to your cookies to make them nice and fluffy. But what if I told you that baking soda can actually offer you a whole heap of health benefits? Would you be surprised? I know I was when I first found out that baking soda deserves a place in my medicine cabinet just as much as it deserves a place on my countertop!

If you’re still a little skeptical, I’m about to enlighten you. Here are just a few of the wondrous health benefits of baking soda.

Calm Heartburn and Stomachaches

Practically everyone deals with heartburn and stomachaches occasionally. My go-to remedy used to be over-the-counter acid-reducing medications. But then I learned that baking soda can naturally calm heartburn and stomachaches by reducing acidity. It’s really easy to use, too. Just mix ¼ teaspoon of regular baking soda into about 4 ounces of water. Drink slowly to avoid discomfort as your stomach acid responds to the baking soda.

Loosen Splinters

Splinters are pesky little things that can cause a huge amount of discomfort despite their diminutive size. I used to spend an embarrassing amount of time trying to dig for splinters with a tiny disinfected needle or a pair of tweezers. Often, my efforts would fail the first time around and I’d have to try again later.

Thankfully, I learned that I could loosen splinters for easier removal by soaking the affected area in a cup of water that had 1/3 cup of baking soda added to it. This method works like a charm and softens the entire area so the splinter is much easier to remove. Give it a try and see if it works for you!

Relieve Skin Discomfort From Bug Bites and Rashes

Bug bites, stings and rashes are never fun to deal with and can take hours or even days to go away on their own. There have been times when I’ve been stuck with a painful bug bite and no cortisol cream available. Then I discovered that baking soda helps neutralize the toxins in bug bites and thus take away the unbearable itching and burning sensations that accompany them.

To create a skin-soothing baking soda paste, mix enough baking soda into ¼ cup of water to form a paste that you can spread smoothly over your irritated skin spots. Then, cover the area with a bandage until the baking soda can do its thing. You can make the paste even more soothing by adding just a bit of witch hazel to it.

Freshen Your Mouth

Have you ever noticed how those mouth washes you get at the store tend to sting your mouth while you’re using them? Not to mention the dried-out sensation you feel for hours after use. If you’re not a fan of these sensations but you still want clean, fresh breath, you may want to try my new favorite breath-freshening method. The main ingredient is—you guessed it—baking soda!

To freshen your breath with baking soda, just mix a teaspoon into a half-cup of lukewarm water. Then take small sips of it into your mouth at a time and swish it around in your mouth for up to 30 seconds each time. You may even wish to gargle with it to remove the bad taste that tends to cling to the back of your tongue and throat. I use this method of freshening my breath every day with great results.

So there you have it—four great ways baking soda can improve your health and wellness. Try one or all of these at-home remedies today and see for yourself how valuable baking soda can be to keep around the house and in your medicine cabinet!

Your Top 3 Menopause Questions, Answered

The thought of menopause can be scary because it’s often associated with unpleasant symptoms. But is menopause really as bad as it’s sometimes portrayed in sitcoms and other television shows? Do some women sail through menopause without even realizing it or is the experience always terrible? To help ease your mind and prepare you for this important phase in life, here are your top three menopause questions, answered.

1. What Are the Symptoms of Menopause?

As your body approaches menopause, your estrogen levels begin to act a little haywire. They may be elevated one day, then fall the next. These extreme hormone changes can lead to a lot of symptoms, including:

  • Mood swings
  • Hot flashes
  • Sleep problems
  • Irregular menstrual periods
  • Vaginal dryness
  • Increased abdominal fat

Don’t those symptoms sound fun? As your body approaches and goes through menopause, you’re likely to experience more than one of the above symptoms. If you’re lucky, you’ll get them all! But it isn’t the end of the world. The symptoms you’re experiencing won’t last forever, and there may be things you can do to minimize them.

Some women experience very mild menopause symptoms. It’s not clear why some women have mild symptoms while others have extreme symptoms when going through menopause. If you think you might be going through menopause but you aren’t sure, you can do a blood test. Your doctor will test your estrogen and follicle-stimulating hormone levels to confirm if you’re going through menopause.

2. Are There Complications Associated With Menopause?

Most of us ladies will go through menopause without any major issues. But some of us may develop complications from menopause. The below complications are associated with menopause (though they are also associated with the normal process of aging).

  • Weight gain
  • Heart disease
  • Urinary problems
  • Osteoporosis

The physical changes that happen to your body during menopause may leave you more susceptible to the above complications after menopause. During the postmenopausal stage, estrogen levels are quite low. These low levels can negatively impact bone and heart health. It can also lead to weight gain (particularly around your middle section) and make you more prone to urine leakage (especially when laughing or coughing).

You can lower your risk of these complications by quitting smoking, eating a heart-healthy diet, exercising regularly, and looking into treatment options for urinary incontinence. Don’t worry – you may not develop any of these issues after going through menopause. It is just a good idea to look out for them and be prepared to deal with them if they occur.

3. How Can I Treat My Menopause Symptoms?

There are treatment options available for women going through menopause. Before you start taking any of the available menopause medications, it’s important to understand that they come with risks and potential side effects.

Hormone therapy is one of the most common treatments for menopause and it can minimize symptoms such as hot flashes, mood swings and vaginal dryness. However, hormone therapy is also associated with an increased risk of stroke, uterine cancer and breast cancer. Talk to your doctor to figure out whether the risks of hormone treatments are worth the benefits they can offer.

You may be able to naturally minimize your menopause symptoms by doing the following:

  • Eating a healthy diet
  • Maintaining a healthy weight
  • Exercising regularly
  • Eating more foods high in phytoestrogens (such as flaxseeds, soybeans, beans and tempeh)
  • Reducing consumption of processed foods and refined sugars
  • Staying properly hydrated
  • Taking natural hormone-support supplements (such as red clover extract, black cohosh, dong quai and evening primrose oil)
  • Eating sufficient protein for your body’s needs

If you don’t want to take hormone replacement therapy, try the above natural remedies to minimize your menopause symptoms. Don’t forget that menopause doesn’t last forever. Take it one day at a time until you get through this challenging phase of life. There are millions of women fighting alongside you!

These 5 Holiday Gifts Can Put You on a Healthy Track

Every year I go through the same cycle. I start the year out strong, with loads of determination and healthy eating goals that I follow religiously for a few months. By the time summer rolls around, I start to get a little lax because of vacations, family barbeques, and other fun events. When the holidays arrive, I’ve usually gone up a size in clothing, but I’m jolly because I’m enjoying great food and great company. But once the holidays are over, I’m ready to get back into my healthy habits once again.

Does this cycle sound familiar to anyone else? Well, here we are at the end of the year again, and it’s time to get serious about healthy living. Fortunately, you can hint to your family members that you’re ready for some healthy holiday gifts that can help you reach your fitness and wellness goals. Here are five holiday gift ideas that can put you on a healthy track for the new year.

1. Wireless Earbuds

I want to do more outdoor exercising this year. Studies show that working out in the sunshine can not only boost your physical health, but your mental health as well! You can thank your body’s increased production of vitamin D for that.

To make exercising in the great outdoors more enjoyable, I’ve decided I need a quality pair of wireless earbuds. Though they’re expensive, they have great durability and can last up to 20 hours on a single charge. If you don’t own a pair yet, add wireless earbuds to your Christmas list.

2. Fitness Tracker

I used to think fitness trackers were unnecessary, but after seeing how informative they can be, I’ve decided they’re essential for tracking my healthy living goals. If you want to know how many calories you burn in a day versus many calories you consume, a fitness tracker should definitely be underneath your tree or in your stocking this Christmas! Some models will even track your sleep quality so you can make changes as needed.

3. Weight Set

Weights are cumbersome and can take up a lot of room, but they’re so helpful for building muscle strength and boosting bone density. I don’t have much room in my home for a big weight set, so I put one of those nifty compact weight sets on my Christmas list. They’re almost like nesting dolls, but in weight form so they take up minimal room and can easily be adjusted to get the perfect weight for each workout.

4. Yoga Mat

If you’re anything like me, floor work tends to put too much pressure on your knees, wrists, and back. That’s why I’m hoping someone in my family gifts me a nice, thick yoga mat this year. A yoga mat adds just enough padding to keep aching joints well-cushioned during floor workouts. Some mats come with their own holders so you can easily roll them up and take them to a designated storage location once you’re finished with them.

5. Foam Roller

After all your workouts, you’ll need a way to help your muscles recover. A quality foam roller is a great investment because it can minimize your post-workout recovery time and help you avoid excessive soreness. Foam rollers help break up knots in your muscles and facilitate better blood flow so you’re less prone to exercise-related injuries.

Not a bad wish list, if I say so myself! Feel free to steal some or all of these items for your own gift list this year. Most of the items on this list are much more affordable than a treadmill or other expensive piece of workout equipment. But they’re perfect for encouraging a healthier lifestyle and can help you meet your fitness goals.

Understanding the Causes and Treatments of Mucus Overproduction

While overproduction of it can become a nuisance, mucus serves a significant purpose: the lubrication and filtration of the respiratory system. Mucous membranes run from your lungs up to your nose. The membranes produce the mucus that acts as a glue or sticky substrate for viruses, dust, and allergens to stick to — think about it like a fly trap.

When these membranes are working optimally, mucus is usually not a problem. Unfortunately, the membranes can sometimes work too hard and overproduce mucus and phlegm, resulting in frequent throat clearing.

Causes of Mucus Overproduction

While there are many illnesses or conditions that can lead to excessive mucus production, your environment can also play a role. Some of the environmental and lifestyle factors that contribute to excess mucus and phlegm include:

  • Dry indoor environments
  • Dehydration
  • Smoking
  • High consumption of coffee, tea, and alcohol
  • Certain medications

While environmental factors and lifestyle choices can lead to mucus overproduction, health conditions often contribute to the problem. The primary issues that lead to mucus overproduction include:

  • Allergies
  • Asthma
  • Acid reflux
  • Lung diseases
  • Infections

Remedies for Mucus Overproduction

Many people will experience the overproduction of mucus at least once in their lives, but it is not a frequent experience. Other people have to deal with the problem regularly. If you deal with mucus overproduction frequently, you might want to consult your primary care physician to see if any underlying conditions are causing the problem.

For the occasional occurrence of mucus overproduction, a doctor might recommend either an over-the-counter or prescription medication. OTC medications include those under the category of expectorants. These medicines help to loosen and thin mucus, helping you clear it from your chest and throat as it becomes phlegm.

Some prescription medications fall under the category of mucolytics, like hypertonic saline and dornase alfa. These medicines are mucus thinners, and they are inhaled. A doctor might also prescribe antibiotics if the mucus problem results from a bacterial infection.

Home Solutions for Mucus Overproduction

Medications are not always necessary to alleviate excessive mucus production. In fact, there are at least seven things you can do to help resolve your phlegm and mucus problem.

The first thing you can do is gargle with warm saltwater. The saltwater kills any germs in the back of your throat and can help loosen mucus.

Second, make sure that your home is not too dry. Using a humidifier will help to thin your mucus.

Third, elevate your head. When you lay flat, mucus collects at the back of your throat, resulting in coughing and a need to clear your throat.

Fourth, avoid potential irritants, such as fragrances, pollution, and chemicals. Odorous materials can irritate mucous membranes, resulting in more mucus production.

Fifth, do not use decongestants. While decongestants are excellent medications for drying out secretions, they can actually make it harder to reduce mucus.

Sixth, stay hydrated. Drink plenty of water because it helps mucus flow while loosening congestion. While many people want to drink warm liquids, which can help, you should avoid caffeinated beverages.

Finally, if you smoke, stop. Smoking is notorious for instigating the overproduction of mucus.

The overproduction of mucus can be uncomfortable. There are many possible reasons for the problem, but talking with your doctor is the only way to know what is causing the issue. Have you ever tried any of the relief methods above? If so, which worked best?

Why I Stopped Using My Fitness Tracking App

Since their rise in popularity five to 10 years ago, smartwatches and fitness trackers have changed the way people approach fitness and health. While once upon a time individuals would only count the number of calories they burned while on a treadmill, today they are able to track their process at every waking moment. Not only that, but smart devices enable wearers to monitor their sleep patterns, count their calories, track their heart rates and more. While you, like so many others, may assume that this kind of insider knowledge can help you more easily stay motivated and hit your wellness goals, experts worry that the constant access to data may feed obsessive tendencies. These experts are not wrong.

Constant Tracking Causes Anxiety … And Feeds Addictive Tendencies

If you use a fitness tracking app, you know all too well how quickly fitness — or, rather, the data — can overtake your life. In your pre-app life, you may have gauged your level of fitness on how good you felt, how well your pants fit and how much energy you brought to each day. Since downloading the app, though, you may suddenly feel as if you’re not good enough when you struggle to meet that 10,000-step-a-day milestone.

For instance, your levels of anxiety may increase as the sun begins to set and you only have 8,000 steps logged. Feelings of inadequacy may creep in when you notice that your friend logged 1,000 steps more than you even though you’ve been awake for the same amount of time. Though you may be ashamed to admit it, you may have put a conversation on pause once or twice to jog in place or take a couple of laps around the room.

If you can relate to one or all of the aforementioned scenarios, you have tracking-induced anxiety. Though a new phenomenon, it is common and grows increasingly more so with each passing day. Instead of letting fitness tracking apps continue to zap the pleasure out of working out and nurturing your body, it may be time to revert to the old ways of monitoring your health. Chances are you will be happier for it.

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Fitness Tracking Fosters Unrealistic Expectations

Somewhere between the development of fitness tracking apps and the surge in their popularity, a myth was born, and that is that you need to take 10,000 steps a day to achieve optimal health. There is no scientific basis for this assertion, and, in fact, most active people do not walk this much in a single day. Yet, not only does this myth prevail but also, it contributes to even more unrealistic expectations. These expectations can deter even the most motivated of individuals from walking daily. For people who are just starting out, they can be downright daunting.

Fitness Tracking Does Not Consider the Intensity of a Workout

For you to realize all the touted benefits of exercise, you must succeed at getting your heart rate up. Heart rate increases with the intensity of a workout, not with an increase in the number of steps you take. You can take 10,000 steps every day, but if those steps are taken at a slow pace, they may do you little good. However, if 1,000 of your 7,000 daily steps are taken during a high-intensity exercise, you may be better off than a person who routinely takes 10,000 steps per day. Fitness tracking apps do not take the intensity of a workout into consideration and, therefore, often provide inaccurate data.

The idea behind fitness tracking apps is admirable. Yet, there are several variables for which they do not account and, more worrisome, they cause more stress than they alleviate. For that reason, many people have given them up in 2022, and you should consider doing the same.

5 Winter Soups To Get you Through the Cold

Get rid of those winter chills with five hearty soups. Each recipe can feed an entire family.

1. Bacon Potato Corn Chowder

Are you looking for a hearty soup to warm you up? Look no further than Taste of Home's Bacon Potato Corn Chowder. 


  • 1-1/2 pounds potatoes, Yukon Gold, cubed and peeled
  • 1/2 pound bacon, chopped
  • 1 can cream corn
  • 1 can milk, evaporated
  • 1/4 cup onion, chopped
  • 1/4 teaspoon pepper
  • 1/4 teaspoon salt


  1. Bacon should be cooked over medium heat in a large skillet until crisp. Once crisp, remove the bacon and place it on a paper towel. Except for 1-1/2 teaspoon, the drippings can be discarded. Add onion to the remaining drippings and cook until tender.
  2. Boil potatoes in a large pot, allow water to cover them. Bring the ingredients to a boil using high heat, and then reduce to medium heat and cook uncovered for 15 minutes or until tender. Reserve one cup of potato water, draining the rest.
  3. Combine corn, potatoes, milk, salt, pepper, and reserved water to a saucepan, heating thoroughly. Add the onion and bacon.

2. Turkey Sausage, Butternut Squash, and Kale Soup

For those looking to make a meal out of a soup dish, the Taste of Home TBK soup delivers. Once again, you can have a fulfilling meal ready in under 30 minutes.


  • 2 cartons chicken broth, reduce sodium, 32 oz each
  • 1 butternut squash, about 3 lbs, cubed and peeled.
  • 1 pack turkey sausage links, Italian, casings removed
  • 1/2 cup parmesan cheese, shaved
  • 1 bunch of kale, coarsely chopped and trimmed


  1. Over medium heat, cook the sausage, about eight to 10 minutes or until no longer pink. Once cooked, break into pieces.
  2. Add broth and squash to the pot and bring it to a boil. Stir in the kale. Reduce the heat, allowing the soup to simmer until veggies are tender, approximately 20 minutes. Top with cheese.

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3. Tomato Hamburger Soup

This recipe makes about 12 servings. The best part is it uses a slow cooker, meaning it is a set it and forget it type of meal.


  • 2 packages of mixed vegetables, frozen, about 16 oz each
  • 1 pound ground beef, drained and cooked
  • 1 can cream of mushroom soup, condensed, undiluted
  • 1 can V8 juice (46 oz)
  • 2 teaspoons minced onion, dried
  • Pepper and salt to taste


  1. Combine the first five ingredients in a five-quart slow cooker. Cook covered on high for a minimum of four hours. Season with pepper and salt.

4. Simple Chicken Soup

Chicken soup and winter seem to go hand-in-hand. This recipe only takes a total of 20 minutes, and make six servings.


  • 1 package mixed vegetables, frozen
  • 2 cans cream of chicken soup, reduced-sodium, reduced-fat, undiluted
  • 2 cups chicken breast, cooked, cubed
  • 1 tablespoon minced onion, dried


  1. Combine broth and onion in a large saucepan and bring to a boil. Reduce heat and add the vegetables, covering and cooking for an additional 8 minutes. Stir in soup and chicken, heating through.

5. Easy Chili

While there are plenty of chili recipes out there, this is by far the easiest. In 30 minutes, you will have enough chili for four.


  • 1 pound ground beef, lean
  • 10 ounces Rotel tomatoes with diced chiles
  • 15 ounces chili beans, undrained
  • Optional toppings of your choosing


  1. Cook ground beef until no longer pink in a three-quart pot and drain the grease.
  2. Combine with other ingredients in a crockpot and cook on low for four to six hours.

What are your favorite winter soups? Comment below.

3 Healthy and Fun Halloween Treats

Growing up, people connect Halloween with spookiness and sweet, sugar-filled treats. While candy is delicious and fun, it can also be addictive and set a precedent for improper eating. Candy in moderation is OK, but pillowcases filled to the brim are a bit excessive. The great news is that at home, you can still make sweet and delicious Halloween-themed treats, but they are healthy.

1. Apple Monsters

Who doesn't love an apple? To get the kiddos and adults enthusiastic about the fruit, consider mixing the traditional green apples with nut butter and strawberry slices for a spooky-inspired snack. Let your creative juices flow as you create unique and fun little faces. 


  • Two green apples, quartered 
  • 32 sunflower seeds (teeth) 
  • Two to three strawberries, sliced (tongues) 
  • Sunflower butter 
  • Homemade googly eyes

Googly Eye Ingredients:

  • 1 cup powdered sugar 
  • ¼ teaspoon almond or vanilla extract 
  • 1 teaspoon cornstarch 
  • 2 teaspoons non-dairy milk 
  • 1 tablespoon corn syrup 
  • Mini non-dairy chocolate chips 

Googly Eye Instructions:

  1. Whisk the cornstarch and powdered sugar together. Add in all remaining ingredients except the chocolate chips. You want to mix until you have a thick paste. 
  2. Using a Ziploc or piping bag, squeeze out a tiny dot of the mix onto a baking sheet. Do not forget to line the sheet with wax paper.  
  3. Top each dot with a chocolate chip. Let the googly eyes set for a minimum of 24 hours. 

Putting It All Together:

  1. Create a mouth in each quartered apple chunk by cutting the middle out. Fill the gap with sunflower butter. 
  2. Place four sunflower seeds along the top of the cut, creating teeth. Don't worry about even spacing or gaps — these are monsters, after all. 
  3. To create the tongue, take a slice of strawberry and place it along the lower edge.  
  4. Finally, put one or two eyes at the top of the snack. Glue them in place with a bit more sunflower butter.

2. Orange Jack-O-Lanterns 

Many families make a day of picking pumpkins and carving jack-o-lanterns for Halloween. As part of the festivities, why not bring a creative, healthy snack. Oranges make the perfect mini pumpkin stand-in. However, do not fill the "pumpkin" with its guts until two hours before the party. 


  • Enough navel oranges for everyone 
  • A mix of your favorite fruits (grapes, cherries, apples, pineapple, etc.)


  1. Using a sharp knife, slice off the top section of the oranges. Use the blade to separate the innards from the sides. 
  2. Remove the orange segments and set them aside for later. Carve a cute face into each hollowed-out orange. 
  3. Soak up the remaining juices by place a paper towel inside. Remove the towel and fill the oranges with your choice of fruit, including the orange segments from earlier.

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3. "Candy Corn" Parfaits

If you are looking for another quick and easy Halloween treat, look no further than the "Candy Corn" parfait. Made with pineapple, orange slices, and whipped cream, no snack is sweeter than this. 


  • Mandarin oranges 
  • Pineapple chunks 
  • Candy Corn 
  • Whipped cream 
  • Mason jars or plastic cups


  1. In a plastic cup or mason jar, layer in the fruit and whipped cream. The pineapple goes on the bottom, followed by the oranges, and is topped with whipped cream. 
  2. If so desired, you can place a single Candy Corn on the top.  

While candy is excellent in moderation, not every Halloween treat needs to center around a sugar high. Do you know of any other tasty and healthy Halloween treats? Leave a comment.