How To Find the Right Personal Trainer for You

If you have trouble staying motivated or designing an exercise routine that gives you results, expert trainers can help eliminate these obstacles. How can you choose the right personal trainer for your needs? Look for these eight essentials:

1. Credentials

Fitness may not be rocket science, but personal trainers should be certified. Depending on whether you’re focused on health, weight training or sports, look for certification from The American Council on Exercise (ACE), National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA) or National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM).

2. Focus

Find a personal trainer that focuses on the type of activity you need help with. If your goals are to build sleek muscles, look for a weight trainer. Do you want to run a marathon? There are trainers who specialize in running. For overall health or weight loss, you can even find certified trainers who are also registered dieticians.

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3. Professionalism

It’s a good thing to find someone friendly and energetic, but there are always lines that shouldn’t be crossed. If a personal trainer says or does something that makes you feel uncomfortable, choose a different option. A great sign of trustworthy exercise professionals is that they ask you about any preexisting conditions you have or medication you take before designing your exercise routine.

4. Insurance

Even the best doctors have malpractice insurance to cover unforeseen accidents. In the same way, you should only work with personal trainers who carry liability insurance.

5. Schedule

Before signing up, make sure the trainer’s availability lines up with your schedule. Not all trainers are willing to give you classes in the evenings or on the weekend (though many do). Professionals who adapt to your schedule make it easier for you to maximize weight loss every week.

6. Reputation/Experience

The best trainers have real experience under their (beautifully slim) belts. Real professionals should have a great reputation for delivering results, not just telling clients what they want to hear. Check online for reviews from other customers. Any trainer should have a page on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter that you can look at.

7. Personality

It may seem like a small thing, but your trainer’s personality is actually one of the most important things. Certain types of individuals simply click with your own outlook on life, which makes them especially effective at motivating you. Like a great doctor, these trainers feel like friends you trust. Whether you need some military-esque tough love or an encouraging voice by your side, there’s a professional that fits out there somewhere.

8. Price

Last but not least is your exercise budget. It’s common for trainers to charge upwards of $50–$100 an hour or more. What if you can’t afford the cost? Before giving up an ideal trainer that fits you well, ask about discounts. Sometimes, you can save money with a six-month or annual exercise plan. Other times, the solution is to take a group class with friends.

Hiring a trainer can give you important advantages with your weight loss goals. Exercise professionals know how to motivate you, how to keep you safe during workouts and how to give you long-term goals that really work. That way, you don’t just lose weight, you learn the keys to keeping it off.