Reducing the Risks of Nighttime Leg Cramps

The term "charley horse" is a somewhat playful name for a leg cramp. The cramp usually affects the foot, calf, or thigh, and medical professionals describe it as an intense muscle pain that can cause leg spasms and prolonged pains in the muscle.

Nearly 75% of leg cramps occur at night. It is a common symptom among aging adults. According to research, 33% of people over 60 have leg cramps at least twice a month. Specialists estimate that almost every person over 50 years will experience a leg cramp at least once.

Thankfully, you can treat leg cramps in several ways. While medication is an option for many, there are also several holistic techniques that you can adopt to minimize your risks.

Finding Immediate Relief

There are no medications for the immediate relief of a leg cramp. If you want to correct a cramp quickly, you only have a few options, including:

  • Massaging
  • Stretching
  • Walking
  • Standing
  • Applying heat or cold

Stretching and walking seem like the most effective at-home responses to leg cramps. When the cramping begins, straighten your leg. Then, stretch your toes toward your shin and flex your leg muscles.

Standing and putting weight on your leg can also help ease the cramp. Move around the room, walking and evenly distributing your weight from left to right. As you lift the cramping leg, wiggle it.

There are no medications for the immediate relief of a leg cramp. If you want to correct a cramp quickly, you only have a few options, including:

Understanding Common Causes

Many people worry that leg cramps are a sign of a more significant health problem, but many cramps have no underlying cause; they are idiopathic cramps. Idiopathic cramps can stem from a restricted blood supply, involuntary nerve discharges, too much exercise, and stress. Other potential causes of nocturnal leg cramps include:

  • Improper sitting
  • Working or standing on concrete floors
  • Overusing muscles
  • Sitting for extended periods

While leg cramps do not always point to health problems, some health conditions can cause cramps. Some of the most common causes of leg cramps include:

  • Pregnancy
  • Dehydration
  • Alcoholism

Reducing the Risks of Future Leg Cramps

There are many ways to reduce the risks of leg cramps in the future, but there are no guarantees. Healthcare professionals recommend frequent leg exercises and drinking plenty of water — six to eight glasses per day — for those who deal with frequent cramps.

You can also adjust your sleep position and habits. For example, if you sleep on your back, use pillows to keep your feet and toes in a neutral, upward-facing position. If you sleep on your stomach, hang your feet over the edge of the bed. Also, avoid tucking your sheet too tight; you want your feet in a neutral position and not distorted.

Visit a podiatrist to receive expert advice about shoe selection. Wearing the correct shoes can reduce discomfort and muscular distress, potentially reducing the risks of cramps.

There are many ways to reduce the risks of leg cramps in the future, but there are no guarantees. Healthcare professionals recommend frequent leg exercises and drinking plenty of water — six to eight glasses per day — for those who deal with frequent cramps.

You can also adjust your sleep position and habits. For example, if you sleep on your back, use pillows to keep your feet and toes in a neutral, upward-facing position. If you sleep on your stomach, hang your feet over the edge of the bed. Also, avoid tucking your sheet too tight; you want your feet in a neutral position and not distorted.

Knowing When To See a Doctor

Most leg cramps will never require a visit to the hospital. However, if a leg cramp lasts longer than 10 minutes or the pain becomes unbearable, go to the emergency room. Also, if you experience frequent cramps, talk to your doctor about potential causes.

Nocturnal leg cramps are common, especially among the more mature population. You cannot do much to relieve the pain immediately except walk and stretch. Adopting healthy habits like exercise and drinking plenty of water can reduce the likelihood of frequent cramping. If you are concerned about your leg cramps, you should talk to your doctor.

Adaptogens: The Secret to Amazing Stress Relief

Stress is frustrating. The last time I went to my doctor for a checkup, she told me that my blood pressure was too high and my waist weight was creeping up again. That was a shock because I eat healthy meals with fresh veggies, avoid salt and go for a walk every day.

“Have you been stressed lately?” she asked. I just looked at her. I think it’s safe to say that most of us have been feeling stressed the last few years. I never imagined it could cause so many problems with my healthy lifestyle.

The bigger surprise was what the doctor told me afterward: “I want you to try taking adaptogens for a couple of months.” I had never even heard of adaptogens before!

What Are Adaptogens?

Adaptogens are plant compounds that naturally lower anxiety. These herbs make you more resistant to the effects of stress hormones. They reduce anxiety and all the negative effects that come along with it.

How Does Stress Affect Your Body?

Cortisol, your body’s stress hormone, gets your heart racing at the drop of a hat. This can trigger countless issues:

  • Physical symptoms: Low energy levels, headaches, high blood pressure, chest pain, digestive problems, weakened immune system, weight gain, physical pain and inflammation
  • Emotional symptoms: Sadness, depression, panic attacks, lack of desire to see other people and no enjoyment from things you used to like
  • Mental symptoms: Lack of motivation, mental exhaustion, concentration problems (brain fog), trouble sleeping, irritability

How Do Adaptogens Work?

When stress hormones are too high, you feel anxiety rushing in. The effect is even worse when you have low levels of “happy” hormones that should create feelings of calm. Adaptogens alleviate stress by lowering negative hormones and boosting positive brain chemicals. They keep your body’s systems in balance.

What Are the Benefits of Adaptogens?

With the help of adaptogens — plus good habits such as exercise and sleep — you can turn the tables on anxiety:

  • Higher energy levels
  • Fewer sad days or panic attacks
  • Increased positive feelings
  • Stronger immune system
  • Improved mental focus and endurance
  • Better physical stamina
  • Lower blood pressure
  • Less weight gain

What Are the Best Adaptogens for Your Mood?

If you’ve ever relaxed with a cup of licorice root tea and your favorite book, adaptogens have already helped you with stress relief. Here are my favorites:

  • Ashwagandha: Promotes feelings of overall wellbeing and happiness
  • Rhodiola rosea: Helps with tiredness and mental fatigue
  • Cordyceps: Increases physical stamina
  • Licorice root: Promotes calm and relaxation
  • Siberian ginseng: Boosts energy levels
  • Holy basil: Lowers stress, anxiety and depression
  • Turmeric: Increases mental focus, alleviates stress and fights inflammation
  • Astragalus root: Helps with physical, mental and emotional stress

That’s all there is to it — healthy, natural herbs that alleviate anxiety. Personally, I prefer taking these adaptogens in a stress-fighting supplement because it helps me get the right amount of every day. Other people sip teas made with these herbs when under a lot of stress.

No plant can change the way you look at stressful events, but adaptogens can keep your body from going into red-alert mode constantly. That way, you worry less about things that aren’t a big deal. And when truly stressful events happen, you can stay in control and find a solution instead of “losing it.”