6 Best Foods To Support Healthy Aging

We may not be able to stop aging, but what we can control is how we age. Eating a variety of delicious foods with essential vitamins, powerful antioxidants and good fats can support better health whether you’re 25 or 65. What are the best foods for feeling great at any age?

1. Carrots, Sweet Potatoes & Tomatoes: Smooth Skin

Carrots, sweet potatoes and tomatoes may all look different, but they have something important in common: antioxidant vitamins called carotenoids. These nutrients are essential for youthful skin.

Cooked or fresh, these colorful veggies help protect your skin against harmful UV rays and premature signs of aging skin. That way you don’t have as many wrinkles or “crow’s feet” around the eyes.

2. Extra Virgin Olive Oil (EVOO): Overall Health

When you think of Italy and other places in the Mediterranean, images of extra virgin olive oil drizzled over salads and pasta probably come to mind. It’s no surprise that the average life expectancy for many places in Europe is over 80 years.

Why is EVOO so good for aging in style? This delicious oil can lower your risk of countless health problems:

  • Heart disease
  • Type 2 diabetes
  • Metabolic syndrome
  • Some cancers

Even doctors encourage people to eat lots of EVOO. It's rich in healthy fats that protect your heart.

3. Fatty Fish: A Happy Mind and Body

The people of Iceland also live a long time. The island's entire population has an average life span of about 82 years. Their diet probably plays a big part. Icelandic dishes feature a lot of fresh fish, veggies and wild berries.

Salmon, tuna, trout, sardines, herring and mackerel are more than tasty. They’re full of omega-3 fatty acids — healthy fats that help your heart, nervous system and other organs.

Omega-3s are phenomenal for fighting inflammation and stiffness. Including more fatty fish on the menu can even help your mood, chasing away depression and giving you feelings of calm.

4. Blueberries: Wrinkle Defense

Raspberries, blueberries, cranberries and other red berries have a high level of antioxidants for protecting your cells. These tangy berries support aging in a big way by slowing down the amount of collagen you lose over time. You can enjoy healthier, more elastic skin and stronger joints.

5. Papaya: A Healthy Gut

When your gut is happy, you’re happy. You feel more comfortable and get more benefits from the foods you eat. Take good care of your digestive system with fresh papaya.

This tropical fruit helps with gut troubles such as bloating, heartburn and constipation naturally. Just half a papaya has a whopping 30% of the total fiber you need in a day.

One special enzyme in papaya, called papain, is so good at alleviating stomach upset that it’s included in many over-the-counter products. You won’t believe how fast tummy inflammation goes away.

6. Red and Yellow Peppers: Sharp Eyesight

You probably already know that vitamin C is a super-vitamin for aging, but what you may not know are the best places to get it. Juicy citrus fruits are good sources of vitamin C, but red and yellow bell peppers have even more — over 150% of your daily needs!

When you get lots of vitamin C, it lowers your risk of cataracts and other age-related eye problems. You can take great care of those lovely peepers and enjoy tastier meals at the same time!

This Is Why Your Bladder Is Leaking

While embarrassing, bladder leakage is a legitimate health issue that numerous people experience in their lives. Urinary incontinence is also inconvenient, which is why the condition must be expediently diagnosed and treated by a medical professional.

This common urinary problem has numerous causes, some of which involve major medical issues. There are also lots of effective treatments and management methods available and finding the right one is key to improving your quality of life. Here are a few points to consider if you experience bladder incontinence.

Types of Incontinence

Bladder leakage has many distinct forms, including:

  • Urge Incontinence - An intense, sudden urge to urinate is accompanied by an increased frequency of urination. 
  • Stress Incontinence - Pressure on the bladder when lifting heavy objects, laughing, or coughing results in accidental urination. 
  • Overflow Incontinence - An inability to completely empty the bladder when urinating leads to leaks and increased frequency.

It's possible to experience two or more types of incontinence at once. In this case, you may be diagnosed with mixed incontinence. Incontinence can also result from a functional impairment that impacts a person's physical or mental abilities.

Common Causes of Bladder Leakage

Causes vary based on the type of incontinence you're experiencing. With temporary issues, it can result from overconsumption of caffeine or alcohol. When the condition is persistent, it may occur during pregnancy or after giving birth. Aging is another common reason why people experience bladder leakage due to menopause in women and prostate inflammation in men.

There are also a few risk factors to keep in mind. Carrying extra weight can put pressure on the bladder and weaken surrounding muscles. Women also tend to experience incontinence in greater numbers than men, particularly as they grow older. Family history also plays a role, as does medical conditions like diabetes.

How to Prevent Issues

Some instances of incontinence can be prevented depending on the underlying cause. Many menopausal women experience a weakening of the pelvic muscles as they grow older, which increases their risk of leakage. Performing specific exercises to strengthen pelvic muscles can often help women exert better control over their bladder.

Lifestyle changes can also help. If leakage is triggered by certain foods or drinks, cutting these items out of your diet can help you avoid bouts of incontinence. For example, alcohol is a common trigger for incontinence, so people who experience issues should greatly limit their intake.

A healthy diet is another key factor to improving bladder control. Maintaining a reasonable weight alleviates pressure on the bladder and reduces your risk of leakage. In this case, focus your diet on wholesome and nutritious foods and cut out processed snacks. You should also develop a fitness routine that consists of at least 30 minutes of activity every day.

Treatments for Incontinence

Most people require a mixture of lifestyle changes and medical treatments to overcome bladder issues. Doctors can recommend medications to improve bladder function by affecting the muscles that control urination. Medical devices can also be used to physically block the flow of urine during physical activities and other situations.

When other treatments are unsuccessful, surgery is the next option. Surgical mesh can be used to strengthen the muscle between the bladder and urethra and is often performed in conjunction with pelvic prolapse surgery. It's also possible to implant a device that fits around the bladder neck to control the flow of urine using a valve.

No one has to live with the inconvenience and embarrassment of bladder leakage. The right combination of treatments can provide a new lease on life, especially if the condition leaves you feeling socially alienated. The sooner you seek help, the sooner you'll feel like yourself again.

How Oxygen Therapy Could Slow Down Aging

Aging is something none of us can escape. It’s a natural part of growing older and maturing. Like many of you, I’ve come to terms with the fact that I am no longer a youthful woman. But that doesn’t mean I want to run full-speed into old age, either. That’s why I decided to look for effective methods to stave off wrinkles and saggy skin for as long as possible. I may not be able to stop the hands of time, but I’ll sure do my best to slow them down!

During my search for elusive, Fountain-of-Youth strategies to slow down aging, I came across oxygen therapy. The more I learned about it, the more excited I became. Now, I am utilizing this therapy to help slow down my body’s natural aging processes. Here’s what I think you should know about this incredible type of therapy.

What is Oxygen Therapy?

Oxygen therapy is not new, but its potential uses for slowing down aging have only recently started being explored. Traditionally, oxygen therapy has been used to help people with certain injuries or lung conditions get the oxygen they can no longer obtain on their own.

As you probably already know, oxygen is a gas that’s essential for human life. It’s found in the air we breathe and is emitted into the atmosphere by trees and plants. During oxygen therapy, oxygen is typically delivered directly into the body via tubes, breathing masks, or injections. The primary aim is to increase the oxygen in your system, which can in turn feed your cells with more oxygen.

What Is Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy?

Hyperbaric oxygen therapy is a type of therapy in which 100% oxygen is given to the patient at a pressure that’s higher than sea level atmospheric pressure. For this type of therapy, you don’t need to have oxygen injections or wear a special type of mask. Instead, you enter a special chamber that’s full of pure oxygen. It’s a noninvasive treatment that is often given to deep-sea divers and scuba divers who have been injured by the rapid change in underwater pressure.

How Is Oxygen Therapy Used to Slow Down Aging?

Research shows that hyperbaric oxygen therapy shows great promise for slowing down the aging processes in the body. It’s important to receive oxygen therapy from a licensed professional, as too much oxygen exposure can lead to oxygen poisoning.

One of the most unique things about hyperbaric oxygen therapy is that it’s a non-invasive treatment. You don’t have to be poked or prodded to experience anti-aging results. When done in a controlled clinical environment, a hyperbaric oxygen treatment can impact the telomeres inside your DNA to alleviate the effects of aging.

The cells in your body are constantly dividing. Each time a cell divides, a tiny portion of the telomere in the cell’s DNA is cut off. When this happens, the quality of the cell begins to decline and you begin to the symptoms of aging. The older a person is, the shorter his or her telomeres tend to be. Oxygen therapy helps slow down the aging process by promoting healthy telomere length and composition.

Other Benefits of Oxygen Therapy

In addition to its proven anti-aging benefits (which are remarkable on their own!), oxygen therapy can also benefit your body in the following ways:

  • Reduce the risk of infections
  • Stimulate collagen production
  • Assist in wound-healing
  • Destroy harmful pathogens

Exposing yourself to this innovative type of therapy regularly may help you live a longer, healthier and more youthful life. Why not try it today? You have nothing to lose and greater longevity to gain.

Ultimate Anti-Aging Foods for Preventing Alzheimer’s, Wrinkles and Cataracts

Many natural foods are proven to help prevent heart disease and support diabetes. Are these healthy ingredients the real answer to fighting aging, too? Many scientists say yes.

The Best Anti-Aging Diets

Doctors around the world have told people to eat plenty of veggies and fruit for decades. Now, they’re going a step further and specifically recommending two diets for preventing aging: the Mediterranean diet and the MIND diet.

The Mediterranean Diet

An all-around powerhouse for health, the Mediterranean diet supports weight loss, heart health, pain relief and mood benefits. It revolves around home cooking with nutritious ingredients:

  • Healthy fats
  • Lean proteins
  • Whole grains
  • Seasonal vegetables
  • Fresh fruits
  • Wine in moderation

Extra-virgin olive oil and omega-3 fatty acids from fish play a big part.

The MIND Diet

MIND stands for Mediterranean-DASH Intervention for Neurodegenerative Delay. This diet combines elements of Mediterranean eating with other foods that help lower blood pressure:

  • Lots of leafy greens (romaine lettuce, cabbage, kale, sprouts, spinach, etc.)
  • Plenty of whole grains every day
  • Vegetables daily
  • Fresh berries each week
  • Fish and poultry
  • Nuts and beans

Real Science, Real Benefits

These two diets are backed by a large number of studies. In one study, the MIND diet significantly lowered the risk of Alzheimer’s disease and age-related mental decline. The Mediterranean diet appears to keep the brain healthy and prevent dementia.

Scientists aren’t completely sure how these foods help, mainly because they still don’t understand exactly what causes Alzheimer’s disease. Healthy fats such as omega-3s are amazing for fighting inflammation and stress, so maybe that’s what helps the brain stay in excellent shape.

Tasty Ingredients That Fight Aging

When you write down your grocery list, make space for foods that are rich in antioxidants. You also need good sources of protein and nutrients that help your body repair itself. Here are some of the top natural ingredients for avoiding wrinkles, cataracts, depression and dementia.


A recent study found that eating fish regularly was the most important factor for long-term brain health. Fish is high in omega-3s, lean protein and antioxidants. Other types of seafood are great, too, including shrimp, clams, tuna, tilapia, trout and Atlantic mackerel.


Foods with vitamin C can help with overall skin brightness, elasticity, moisturizing and repair. Those things are a recipe for preventing wrinkles. Blueberries, blackberries, raspberries and strawberries are high in vitamin C and several other age-defying antioxidants.

Chicken Breast

Lean protein replenishes your body’s reserves of collagen, an essential building block of smooth skin and healthy joints. Collagen can also contribute to less joint pain and muscle stiffness.

Dark Green Vegetables

Broccoli and spinach aren’t everyone’s favorite veggies, but you’ll love what they do for your eyes. Rich in an antioxidant called lutein, leafy greens can prevent cataracts, reduce glare and improve vision. They also have vitamin B2 and vitamin E for better nerve health.

These natural ingredients help to protect your cells from the damaging effects of pollution, UV rays, anxiety and other causes of premature aging. Other favorites include green tea, turmeric and probiotic foods such as cottage cheese.