3 Harmful Approaches to Dieting

Diabesity weight loss healthy foods

There are a few reasons why recommendations of how to improve your diet for weight have failed. Again, none of these failures was your fault. You were simply given incorrect information about how to improve your diet to lose or maintain your weight. Here are a few of the most important ones.

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How to Improve Your Mood with Diet

Improve your mood with diet

Do you struggle with depression? Have you been sad for so long you don’t remember what it feels like to be happy? Or, are you frequently irritable? How about anxiety? Are you constantly on edge? Do you wait for the other shoe to drop, anticipating and dreading the next catastrophe that you’re sure is just around the corner? If so, you’d probably like to learn how to improve your mood. Continue reading “How to Improve Your Mood with Diet”

Leaky Gut: What it Is, Why it’s Dangerous, and What You Can Do About It

Leaky gut

Leaky gut is becoming an epidemic. Though it is not yet a condition widely recognized by the medical community, hundreds of millions of people worldwide may be suffering symptoms and diseases linked to leaky gut syndrome. Yet, many of them do not even know what leaky gut is, and many doctors deny its very existence. Continue reading “Leaky Gut: What it Is, Why it’s Dangerous, and What You Can Do About It”

How to Improve your Cholesterol to Reduce your Risk of Heart Disease

How to improve your cholesterol

If you’re wondering how to improve your cholesterol, your health care provider has probably told you your “numbers” are abnormal. This generally means your total cholesterol is too high, your HDL (good) cholesterol is too low, your LDL (bad) cholesterol is too high, or your triglycerides are too high. (More than one of your cholesterol numbers could be abnormal.) Continue reading “How to Improve your Cholesterol to Reduce your Risk of Heart Disease”