4 Easy Stretches To Relieve Lower Back Pain

If you live with lower back pain, you are not alone. According to the data, as many as four out of five individuals develop lower back pain at some point in their lives. Though certain risk factors — such as age, weight and occupation — may increase a person’s risk of developing pain in the lumbar region of the spine, the numbers suggest that almost everyone will experience it at some point.

Lower back pain can damper your quality of life, making it difficult for you to walk, much less enjoy the activities you love. The good news is that you can find relief with a few simple, at-home stretches. Below are four stretches that are effective at loosening up and strengthening the muscles in the lumbar region of your spine.

1. Child’s Pose

Child’s pose is one of the easiest and most effective stretches for relieving pain in the lower back. To perform the child’s pose, get on your hands and knees, with your palms flat on the floor. From there, extend your hands forward and slowly bring your head to your chest while dropping your hips to your heels. At this point, the inside of your elbows should be touching your ears. Lay in this position for anywhere from 20 seconds to one minute at a time.

Place a pillow beneath your belly if the position causes too much pain. In this way, you can still open up your lower back muscles but without causing too much strain on them.

2. Supine Twist

Whereas the child’s pose opens up the entire lower back for stretching, the supine twist focuses on one half of the back at a time. It also helps to stretch the glutes, which, if tight, may be contributing to your lower back pain.

To perform this exercise, lie on your back with your knees bent and your feet planted on the floor. Extend your arms into a “T” position and one leg outward. Then, keeping your shoulders on the ground, slowly twist your raised knee, touching the floor on the other side of the other leg. Lay there for 20 to 30 seconds, then rotate. Repeat two to three times.

3. Cat/Cow Stretch

The cat/cow pose may seem simple enough, but it’s a dynamic stretch that pulls the lower back muscles in two different directions. Doing so helps to lengthen the muscles along the lower spine and, in the process, alleviate soreness.

To perform this pose, start in the tabletop position with your spine parallel to the ground. Then, pull your back up so it’s rounded, like a cat arching its back. Hold for five to 10 seconds, then pull your back in so it’s arched toward the ground. Hold again for five to 10 seconds. Repeat as many times as needed.

4. Knee-to-Chest Stretch

As with the other stretches on this list, the knee-to-chest stretch lengthens the muscles along the lower back. To perform this stretch, lie on your back and pull your bent knees to your chest. If you need to feel more of a burn, try rocking your hips side to side or pulling your hips downward while you hold your knees to your chest. Hold this position for 20 to 30 seconds, then lower your legs back to the ground and repeat.

If you experience lower back pain, give these four stretches a try. If the issue is minor, you should experience relief almost immediately.

The Most Underrated Fruits for Summer

I don’t know about you, but I could snack solely on fruits all summer and be happy about it. I typically stick to the traditional fruit selections like bananas, strawberries and watermelon. But this year, I’ve decided to branch out and expand my fruit selections. I highly encourage you to do the same! Here are some of the most underrated fruits for summer that I think you should try.


You’ve probably enjoyed mangoes before, but what about mangosteen? This unusually-shaped fruit resembles a flower on the inside, while on the outside looks a bit like a huge grape. Mangosteen is commonly used in supplements because it is tasty and has a high antioxidant content. In addition, the flesh of the fruit is delectably sweet and quite juicy.

The problem with mangosteen is that it’s challenging to find. It’s also relatively expensive. I can get it at my local grocery store every so often, though I’ve had more luck finding it at local health food stores.

Rambutan Fruit

I see rambutan fruit in my grocery store occasionally, but I never purchased it until recently because it doesn’t look appealing. The outside looks like it is covered with some sort of spiky hair. But don’t let the unsightly exterior fool you. The inside is sweet and a little sour (similar to a grape). It’s also very tender and full of antioxidants and vitamin C.


You’re more likely to find kumquat in your local grocery store this summer than some other exotic fruits mentioned here. Though the name sounds silly, the fruit is quite delicious. The nutritional profile of kumquat is similar to that of oranges.

Kumquats are small and oval-shaped. Yet, they are chock-full of many nutrients, including vitamin C, potassium, calcium and magnesium. Even the peels are edible and hold much of the nutrients and dietary fibers these cute little fruits have to offer.


Watermelon is a favorite summertime treat, and it’s easy to see why. It is sweet, juicy and so refreshing to eat in the summertime heat. But one of my new favorite summertime fruits is cantaloupe. It is also a very juicy and refreshing fruit (which is unsurprising, considering it’s almost 90% water!) They also have a mild, slightly sweet taste that is deliciously appealing.

But besides their great taste, cantaloupes are also known for their anti-inflammatory properties. They contain choline and other anti-inflammatory phytonutrients that can help you feel your best all summer long. The nutrients in cantaloupes can also boost eye health and may decrease asthma symptoms.


Have you ever seen those huge, spiky greenish-yellow fruits at the store and wondered how in the world you could even get at the fruit inside? Well, guess what? I decided to try jackfruit this year, and I was fairly impressed. This fruit is the largest tree-borne fruit in existence. Produced in Bangladesh, this fruit is bursting with immune-boosting nutrients such as vitamin A, lutein, beta-carotene and zeaxanthin.

If you’re up to the task of cutting through one of these huge fruits, your reward will be a huge chunk of fruit that will last you quite a while. When it’s ripe, jackfruit tastes a little like a banana mixed with pineapple. But don’t let it get too ripe, or it smells terrible.

Many people put jackfruit in curries and other similar dishes because it tends to take on the flavor of whatever it is added to. It’s a fairly mild fruit that maintains its texture well when cooked.

Try a New Fruit This Summer!

There you have it—some of the most underrated fruits to enjoy this summer. So pick up one or two the next time you see them at the grocery store and benefit from the many nutrients these delicious fruits can provide.

Reducing the Risks of Nighttime Leg Cramps

The term "charley horse" is a somewhat playful name for a leg cramp. The cramp usually affects the foot, calf, or thigh, and medical professionals describe it as an intense muscle pain that can cause leg spasms and prolonged pains in the muscle.

Nearly 75% of leg cramps occur at night. It is a common symptom among aging adults. According to research, 33% of people over 60 have leg cramps at least twice a month. Specialists estimate that almost every person over 50 years will experience a leg cramp at least once.

Thankfully, you can treat leg cramps in several ways. While medication is an option for many, there are also several holistic techniques that you can adopt to minimize your risks.

Finding Immediate Relief

There are no medications for the immediate relief of a leg cramp. If you want to correct a cramp quickly, you only have a few options, including:

  • Massaging
  • Stretching
  • Walking
  • Standing
  • Applying heat or cold

Stretching and walking seem like the most effective at-home responses to leg cramps. When the cramping begins, straighten your leg. Then, stretch your toes toward your shin and flex your leg muscles.

Standing and putting weight on your leg can also help ease the cramp. Move around the room, walking and evenly distributing your weight from left to right. As you lift the cramping leg, wiggle it.

There are no medications for the immediate relief of a leg cramp. If you want to correct a cramp quickly, you only have a few options, including:

Understanding Common Causes

Many people worry that leg cramps are a sign of a more significant health problem, but many cramps have no underlying cause; they are idiopathic cramps. Idiopathic cramps can stem from a restricted blood supply, involuntary nerve discharges, too much exercise, and stress. Other potential causes of nocturnal leg cramps include:

  • Improper sitting
  • Working or standing on concrete floors
  • Overusing muscles
  • Sitting for extended periods

While leg cramps do not always point to health problems, some health conditions can cause cramps. Some of the most common causes of leg cramps include:

  • Pregnancy
  • Dehydration
  • Alcoholism

Reducing the Risks of Future Leg Cramps

There are many ways to reduce the risks of leg cramps in the future, but there are no guarantees. Healthcare professionals recommend frequent leg exercises and drinking plenty of water — six to eight glasses per day — for those who deal with frequent cramps.

You can also adjust your sleep position and habits. For example, if you sleep on your back, use pillows to keep your feet and toes in a neutral, upward-facing position. If you sleep on your stomach, hang your feet over the edge of the bed. Also, avoid tucking your sheet too tight; you want your feet in a neutral position and not distorted.

Visit a podiatrist to receive expert advice about shoe selection. Wearing the correct shoes can reduce discomfort and muscular distress, potentially reducing the risks of cramps.

There are many ways to reduce the risks of leg cramps in the future, but there are no guarantees. Healthcare professionals recommend frequent leg exercises and drinking plenty of water — six to eight glasses per day — for those who deal with frequent cramps.

You can also adjust your sleep position and habits. For example, if you sleep on your back, use pillows to keep your feet and toes in a neutral, upward-facing position. If you sleep on your stomach, hang your feet over the edge of the bed. Also, avoid tucking your sheet too tight; you want your feet in a neutral position and not distorted.

Knowing When To See a Doctor

Most leg cramps will never require a visit to the hospital. However, if a leg cramp lasts longer than 10 minutes or the pain becomes unbearable, go to the emergency room. Also, if you experience frequent cramps, talk to your doctor about potential causes.

Nocturnal leg cramps are common, especially among the more mature population. You cannot do much to relieve the pain immediately except walk and stretch. Adopting healthy habits like exercise and drinking plenty of water can reduce the likelihood of frequent cramping. If you are concerned about your leg cramps, you should talk to your doctor.

A Workout for Your Mind: How Does That Work?

Brain training is becoming increasingly popular among health clinics and fitness establishments. The burgeoning concept is a consequence of the fear of losing cognitive function.

Currently, the research supporting brain training programs is thin but not absent. Mindfulness and other practices appear supported by several studies. Also, many neurologists support legitimate programs, quoting preliminary patient outcomes.

Brain training programs combine lifestyle changes with various meditative and mindfulness practices. Through nutrition, therapy, mindfulness, exercise, and other cognitive tasks, health centers help people improve cognitive function and discipline hypothetically.

It is necessary to highlight the hypothetical nature of most programs because the data is not yet overwhelming. Still, the makeup of some of the most prominent programs is beneficial as it is about self-care.

Understanding the Elements of a Brain Training Program

While a common misconception, brain training is not wholly focused on mental exercises. A standard program will include:

  • Cognitive training 
  • Meditation 
  • Physical exercise 
  • Nutrition 
  • Sleep

Cognitive training is about working out critical thinking skills. Most facilities incorporate video and computer games to improve attention and sharpen focus and response times. While computer training is a fun and necessary skill in the modern area, it is hard to quantify computer-related progress into real-world skills. Therefore, cognitive training with computers is considered supplementary and anecdotal.

Meditation and mindfulness have many proven benefits. Regarding brain training, meditation and mindfulness exercises, such as tai chi, increase cognitive reserve — the brain’s capacity to allocate resources, switch between tasks, and handle stress. Studies suggest that cognitive reserve helps the brain cope with neurological problems and improves the tolerance of day-to-day stressors.

While people discuss exercise in terms of muscle mass, few address the benefits to the brain. Exercise promotes the growth and production of brain cells and activates the areas of the brain dealing with executive functions, like memory. However, according to experts, people need to push themselves and monitor their heart rate to realize the benefits of exercise on the brain. The specific heart rate required for brain-boosting benefits is unique to every individual.

The brain also requires specific nutrients, which it should receive through a balanced diet. According to dieticians, the most beneficial diet for the brain is the Mediterranean diet because it includes a variety of whole grains, fruits and vegetables, nuts, healthy fats, and oils. Finding an ideal number of calories to maintain a healthy weight is also beneficial.

Finally, brain fitness programs attempt to restore quality sleep. Poor sleep impairs cognition and focus. By identifying causes of sleep loss and correcting them, programs can help participants experience better sleep, potentially improving brain function.

The Necessity of Brain Training

Many commercial brain-boosting products will have you believe one pill will increase focus and improve memory. The manufacturers of these products will try to convince you of the necessity of their pills. Brain training programs, especially ones not sponsored by health clinics, can seem as insistent on the effectiveness of their programs, alluding to necessity.

Brain training programs are not essential to living a happy and healthy life. The research does not yet support the idea that programs make significant strides in cognitive improvements. Still, many experts agree that such programs can be beneficial, and anecdotal evidence tends to agree.

5 Ingredients for Healthy, Glowing Skin This Summer

Summertime is finally here, and while you may welcome the warmth and sunshine with open arms, there are a few things you could likely do away with, such as breakouts, dull skin, a sweaty shine, clogged pores and more. Yes, with summer comes the intense heat and, depending on where you live, oppressing humidity, neither of which is excellent for your complexion. The good news is that you can combat the potentially adverse effects of environmental stressors simply by changing up your skincare ingredients. So which ingredients should you be using? Check out experts’ top picks for healthy, glowing skin all summer.


Niacinamide — more commonly known as vitamin B3 — is the powerhouse of skincare ingredients. A key ingredient in almost all SPF products, niacinamide prevents damage caused by UV rays and boosts the skin’s natural barrier function. Considering preventing UV damage should be a primary goal for skin care this summer, B3 is one ingredient you want to add to your repertoire — that is, if your products don’t contain it already.

Vitamin C

Vitamin C is a powerful ingredient for combatting collagen damage and hyperpigmentation caused by prolonged sun exposure. It does this by using its antioxidants to inhibit the production of melanin and stimulate collagen production at the same time. With vitamin C in your arsenal, you can keep your skin wrinkle and fine-line-free not just through the season but also for years to come.

Salicylic Acid

Humidity wreaks havoc on the skin in several ways throughout the summer, one of which is by causing intense oil buildup beneath the surface. Salicylic acid is oil-soluble, meaning it can cut through the oils on your skin and exfoliate deep within the pores to remove any blockages. If your skin becomes shiny with oil beginning in late May to early June, and if it is prone to acne breakouts because of it, add this acid to the list of ingredients with which to pamper your complexion this summer.

Hyaluronic Acid

A combination of constant air conditioning and intense heat can quickly dry out the skin, leaving your complexion looking dull at best and downright parched at worst. To keep your skin from feeling (and looking) like a sheet of sandpaper, add hyaluronic acid to your daily skincare regime. This ingredient not only boosts hydration beneath the skin’s surface but also, it helps the skin retain its moisture. Not only that, but hyaluronic acid has been known to make the skin appear plumper because of its water retention abilities.

Alpha Hydroxy Acids

Though not an ingredient in and of itself, alpha hydroxy acids are a class of ingredients that work wonders on the skin, especially during the summer months. Acids in this class include glycolic acid, citric acid and lactic acid. These acids have gentle exfoliating properties, which help to remove dead skin cells from the skin’s surface without damaging the newly formed cells beneath. This careful balance helps to prevent the over-drying of the skin during what should be maintenance and healing processes.

Achieving and maintaining healthy skin throughout the summer months is a tough feat. However, with these five ingredients in your arsenal, you can accomplish what so many others before you deemed “impossible” — a beautiful, even and glowing complexion all summer long.

6 Ways to Reconnect With Adult Children

As a parent, you believe the bonds established with your children will last a lifetime. Sadly, this is not always the case, and incidents of adult children becoming estranged from their parents seem to be on the rise. The parent-child relationship is complex, even when both parties genuinely love each other deep down.

Estrangement can happen for all sorts of reasons. For example, some parents may be dissatisfied with their adult child's lifestyle or choices. On the other hand, adult children may take issue with their parent's meddling or involvement in their lives.

At the end of the day, the underlying reason for the estrangement is not as important as bringing your loved ones back together again. Fortunately, you can take steps to restore your relationship and your family unit.

1. Work on Yourself First

While you're probably not solely responsible for the estrangement, you must consider the role you may have played in it. That doesn't mean you should beat yourself up, but consider adjustments you can make to ease tension between you. If your child has complained about your being overbearing in the past, step back and let them make their own decisions.

2. Don't Bring Up the Past

Past hurts create a roadblock with your adult child. As much as you'd like to discuss them, avoid doing so. It's likely to inflame hurt feelings and drive you even further apart. While it's essential to talk about problems with your family members, this discussion should be postponed until you're in a better place emotionally.

3. Be Realistic About Your Expectations

It might not be possible to pick up where you left off with your child immediately. For many estranged parents, it takes time to rebuild a relationship. Start with small gestures, such as brief conversations over the phone, then move to in-person meetings. And if your child is not comfortable with that level of access at first, accept texting and emailing as a worthwhile substitute.

4. Give Your Child Time to Heal

Once you've had the conversation, step back and allow your child time to think over what happened. They may feel overwhelmed by what occurred and might need time to process your conversation. Don't push them to make a decision, and don't pressure them to agree to a timeline that benefits you. Wait patiently while letting them know you're always available to talk.

5. Express Genuine Love and Affection

It's often difficult to express love to a person who does not reciprocate. You may feel angry and resentful about the situation, which can result in a sour, unpleasant demeanor. No matter how you feel, you must emphasize the love you have for your adult child. Being angry will only push them further away, which will have the opposite of the intended effect.

6. Don't Lose Hope

If the outcome is not what you expected, don't give up immediately. While it can be hurtful to hear that your child does not want a relationship with you, that doesn't mean that it's the end of the road. Find fulfillment in other areas of your life and leave the door open for your child when they're ready. Chances are, they'll return to you one day.

While it can feel quite lonely and isolating knowing that you don't have a relationship with your adult child, realize that you're not alone. Many families experience estrangement, and most are able to overcome their issues to form an even stronger bond than before.

You can seek help from others who've had the same experiences. Look in your community for parental estrangement support groups, as you can take refuge in the experiences of others. You can also find ample support online if local groups are not available. Finally, focus on fostering healthy relationships with other family members to ensure you have plenty of love and support around you.

5 Simple Ways to Enhance Your Posture

Remember when your teacher constantly shouted, "no slouching" in school? At the time, you may have thought it was no big deal. After all, everyone slouches, right? So what harm can it really do?

As it turns out, bad posture doesn't only affect how you look. It can also harm the health of your back by putting strain on the muscles around your spine. That might explain why you experience those bothersome aches and pains so frequently.

The good news is that there are many effective methods for improving your posture and decreasing your back pain. Here are a few you can try immediately!

1. Wear the Right Shoes

While high heeled shoes look amazing, they're not the greatest for your body. High heels throw off your balance and make it harder to maintain good posture while standing. They also put stress on your feet, ankles, and knees, which may lead to joint dysfunction down the line.

You don't have to give up heels forever, but you should limit them to special occasions. Instead, look for comfortable, supportive shoes that also offer style and visual appeal. What a great excuse to go shoe shopping!

2. Start an Exercise Regimen

Building up your core muscles makes it easier to maintain good posture, as your spine will be supported appropriately. Exercise can also improve joint flexibility, help you maintain a healthy weight, and provide ample energy.

Core exercises include sit ups and crunches, but planks are also beneficial. You can also look into joining a yoga class at your local gym to enhance flexibility. If you currently experience joint issues, swimming offers a full body workout without inflaming your joints.

3. Sit Correctly at Your Desk

For office workers, seated posture is a major concern. Sitting for many hours a day can wreak havoc on the health of your spine, which will lead to a wide range of back problems and dysfunction.

The first step is to modify your workstation for maximum health. Your computer and keyboard should be easily accessible from your chair, so no straining is necessary. Additionally, the monitor or screen must be at eye level to keep your neck straight.

When it comes to your chair, be sure to sit up straight so your shoulders are firmly against the back. Your feet should be flat on the ground with your knees bent. Don't cross your legs, as this creates an imbalance in your body. Chairs with neck and lumbar support are also preferred.

4. Reduce Use of Mobile Devices

Have you ever heard of "text neck"? Think about how you usually look at your phone when checking out your favorite social media sites or reading the news. Chances are that your neck is probably bent over the screen as you scroll.

This posture can put a major strain on the neck and spine, especially when it's a regular habit. Accordingly, try to limit your use of a mobile device to two hours a day or less. And when looking at your smartphone, keep your head elevated and your neck straight.

5. Be Mindful of How You Sleep

Sleeping posture is another important factor to consider. The way you sleep can contribute to back pain during your waking hours. This is particularly true if you regularly sleep on your back, which can create a lot of stress on the lower spine.

Instead, try sleeping on your side. If you need a little extra support, place a pillow between your legs to keep the spine in proper alignment. And if your mattress has seen better days, consider an upgrade.

The hidden benefit of good posture is a more confident, in-command demeanor. As you build strength and adjust your habits, you'll also experience a surge of self-esteem and good feelings!

The Chaos of Chain Restaurants: A Profit-Making Machine

Before the reign of Applebees and other fast-casual restaurant chains, eating out was an experience. People didn't spend their hard-earned cash on meals they could make at home. Instead, eating out was a reward where you treated yourself to locally sourced and unique meals full of flavor.

Unfortunately, the modern era demands more of people's time and focus. The traditional ways of cooking at home or enjoying a meal surrounded by family are rare. Now, technology crowds the tables, and countless cat videos echo through crowded lobbies where voices and interesting conversations used to take root.

While chain restaurants are not the only problem, they do contribute to a growing sense of money, abundance, and speed over quality. Additionally, chain restaurants can dilute the entrepreneurial spirit. The next time you want to take your family out for an enjoyable meal, consider avoiding chain restaurants and supporting local small businesses.

Chain Restaurants Do Not Offer Unique Experiences

Chain restaurants do not offer unique experiences; they are built on the premise of scalability. Therefore, regardless of where you are in the country or the world, every restaurant has the same menu. Unfortunately, the menus are rarely creative or unique to a particular establishment. Many fast-casual chains offer the same or similar menu items as competitors.

Additionally, chain restaurants are expensive for what they offer. Many chains provide ridiculous proportions to take away from the sticker shock, contributing to food waste.

Unfortunately, because of the popularity of chain restaurants and the risks associated with investing in unproven restaurant models, investors will continue to push chains and increase brand reach. The only way investors will take another approach is when the risks outweigh the rewards. Therefore, it is up to consumers to motivate a change in the model by focusing their purchasing power on smaller local establishments.

Many Local Restaurants Depend on Local Resources

While not always true, many local restaurants providing unique local experiences favor locally sourced produce and products. Supporting local farms and businesses is not only good for the community but is also good for the environment.

Chain restaurants focused on a specific brand flavor profile typically stick to centralized production, shipping produce and products nationally and internationally. The logistics of chain operations contribute to environmental problems. Additionally, depending on the distance from transportation hubs, consumers might not receive the freshest ingredients. Finally, logistics plays a role in consumer costs, meaning you pay more for your meal.

Locally sourced goods and produce help contain costs and environmental impact. Additionally, a local or independent restaurant offers more unique flavors in potentially diverse environments.

Chain Restaurants Are Not More Social

Despite the advertisements promising good times and good eats, chain restaurants rarely deliver on both. Chains are all about profits, meaning the more people they can pack into a building, the better. Noise is often too great for any real conversation, and the idea of intimate or private discussions is near impossible.

Small restaurants cater to both the palette and the experience. An intimate romantic restaurant will often have less seating, lighter meals, and a quieter atmosphere. A local family restaurant will have larger tables, and more significant portions, with a fun and bright environment.

Chain restaurants are not inherently bad. In some situations, a chain offers exactly what you want. Still, most people favor local restaurants and flavors over heavily branded bland foods. When you want to reconnect or socialize, a local establishment is best.

Try One of These 5 Techniques When Meeting New Neighbors

Moving to a new home is often intimidating, especially when you are not local. For neighborhood newcomers, a smile and warm welcome go a long way. 

For many ingratiated neighbors, greeting strangers can feel awkward, but it is a necessary aspect of neighborly behavior. Welcoming others as you were once likely welcomed is a way of paying it forward and making friends. Friendships cultivate a caring and trusting neighborhood, one that thrives. 

When greeting your new neighbors, you want to ensure decorum and respect. Moving is often turbulent and time-consuming, so ensure any greetings are brief and polite. Let your new neighbors take the reins of the visit. There are several nonintrusive ways to greet new neighbors and create instant chemistry. 

1. Stop By

Move-in day is a busy time for your new neighbors, which makes it an ideal opportunity to introduce yourself without all the awkward silence. You only want to walk over, say hello, and return home. While you are talking to them, consider offering your help. Most neighborhood newcomers will deny the assistance because it is too early in the relationship, but they will appreciate the gesture.  

Sometimes, an initial meet-and-greet is easier with a small group of neighbors. A group can remove any pressure you or your new neighbor might feel facing off one-on-one. 

2. Leave a Greeting Card

Not everyone feels comfortable walking over to a stranger and introducing themselves, especially when that stranger is trying to move into their new home. If you are shy or dislike being a bother, you might consider the simple gesture of a greeting card.

Leaving a welcome to the neighborhood greeting card in a newcomer's mailbox is a beautiful way to introduce yourself without feeling like a nuisance. You can leave your name and phone number, allowing your new neighbor to initiate in-person contact.

3. Host a Welcome Event

Group activities can be a fantastic way to introduce someone new to the neighborhood. For instance, a block party or neighborhood potluck is an excellent way to make introductions without all the pressure that often accompanies one-on-one meetings.

4. Gift Takeout Menus

Uprooting your life to a new location is physically and emotionally exhausting, and it is something most people can relate to. If you remember anything about moving, it is likely the desire just to sit and relax after a long day's work. No one wants to stand over a hot stove or hunch in front of an oven after moving furniture and boxes all day.

A pile of quality takeout menus is one of the most practical and undervalued gifts you can give a new neighbor. Most likely, your new neighbor will live off takeout for a couple of weeks while getting situated; they will probably love having more options than fast food.

5. Create a Personal Gift Basket or Bag

Gift baskets have a long-standing tradition as perfect gifts for strangers. While you can opt for a pre-made basket or goodie bag, a custom option will show more of your personality.

If you want to get really creative, you can include some treats from your favorite local bakery or gift cards to your favorite spots around town. Your new neighbor is sure to appreciate the gesture.

Moving to a new neighborhood can feel intimidating. Having happy, enthusiastic, and welcoming neighbors can help ease newcomers' potential anxieties. Remember, welcoming someone to the area can be as simple as saying hello.

How Your Vitamin D Needs Change as You Get Older

Many people know that vitamin D is the vitamin that the body naturally produces when exposed to sunlight. Few people understand what it does, though. That may be one reason why vitamin D deficiency is so common.

Over 40% of adults in the United States don’t get enough of this vitamin every day. If only they knew how essential the sunshine vitamin really is!

What Is Vitamin D For?

Vitamin D is capable of impressive things. It boosts your body’s ability to absorb calcium, which greatly impacts bone health. Having sufficient calcium is essential for preventing osteoporosis.

Low vitamin D levels can also affect other parts of your body:

  • Heart health
  • Muscle strength
  • Mood
  • Metabolism
  • Blood sugar
  • Immune system (autoimmune diseases)

Why You Need Vitamin D — Especially for Aging

Calcium and vitamin D are a fantastic team, always better together. People who have a vitamin D deficiency can only absorb about 10–15% of the calcium in foods they eat. In contrast, with the right amount of vitamin D, that absorption goes up to 40%!

Maintaining proper calcium levels becomes trickier as you age. Bone growth slows significantly after age 50. Women going through menopause have a greater risk of osteoporosis because low estrogen levels can speed up bone loss.

Osteoporosis Statistics

The numbers show just how important it is to make sure you’re getting plenty of vitamin D and calcium:

  • Nearly 45% of U.S. adults over 50 have low bone mass
  • Over 200 million people worldwide have osteoporosis
  • The percentage of women in the U.S. who have osteoporosis is increasing
  • About 33% of women experience at least one osteoporosis-related fracture
  • Women aged 65 have a 25% risk of osteoporosis

These statistics aren’t meant to scare you or depress you. Instead, they show that everyone needs to take care of bone health. The best time to ensure you’re getting enough calcium and vitamin D is right now, whether you’re 35 or 65.

Who Needs More Vitamin D

Getting enough vitamin D from a regular diet is almost impossible because few foods have any. Some manufacturers add vitamin D to their products, such as milk (cow’s milk and soy milk), cereal, oatmeal and orange juice. The main way to get more vitamin D is from sunlight.

Unfortunately, modern lifestyles mean fewer people get sunlight during the day. If you spend most days inside, or you live in a place with long winters and lots of cloudy days, chances are you’re not getting enough vitamin D.

As you age, your body has a harder time producing sufficient vitamin D, even if you do spend time in the sun. Lower vitamin D production and faster calcium loss at the same time is a double-whammy for your bones. Past age 65, vitamin D supplements are usually a necessity regardless of lifestyle.

How Much Vitamin D You Need

According to Johns Hopkins Medicine, adults under the age of 50 need 1,000 mg of calcium. After age 50, women need 1,200 mg of calcium. For vitamin D, the recommended amount is 600 IUs until age 70 and 800 IUs a day after that.

Talking to a doctor about your bone health, calcium, and vitamin D needs is smart. Your physician knows if any medications are affecting your calcium levels or if you need a vitamin D supplement right now.