The Health Benefits of Speed-walking: Why You Should Try It

Speed-walking or racewalking is an Olympic sport. This year, it is gaining some attention as Mexico continues to show its power as a competitor and champion in the endurance activity. While you might not follow the Olympics and might not care who is the reigning speed-walking champion, you might be interested in the health benefits from the activity. Speed-walking is a low-impact, moderate aerobic activity that can improve overall health and mobility. Additionally, it can benefit weight loss goals.

Why Speed-Walking Is Healthy

Although the activity is associated with intense cardio, speed-walking is likely more related to moderate levels of oxygen and blood flow. That means it can help with circulation, allowing your heart to beat at a slower pace and helping you avoid the shortness of breath that can be common with vigorous cardio workouts.

As opposed to high-intensity cardio workouts, speed-walking offers lower levels of oxygen intake that help the heart and blood vessels do their jobs. The low intensity of the exercise means you can sustain the activity for a longer period without becoming winded or fatigued. Therefore, speed-walking ultimately provides a longer duration exercise at sustained levels, which is beneficial to weight loss, balance, and mobility.

How Does Speed-Walking Compare to Other Exercises?

Categorized in the same class of low-impact aerobic activities like walking, jogging, and running, speed-walking is an interval-type workout that can help you build strength and endurance in your muscles, work on your balance, improve your mood, and improve your sleep. In addition, it can help you burn calories and reduce stress.

While speed-walking is an easy and enjoyable exercise for any age and fitness level, you should still be cautious and do the proper research, ensuring you are physically ready for the activity. Like a long-distance run, speed-walking can help build stamina and endurance but can also lead to injuries if you are not properly trained and are not mindful of your body. Before starting any new exercise routine, talk to your doctor to determine if it is a good fit.

The Benefits of Speed-Walking

There are many benefits to this physical activity, and it does not need to take up a lot of time to reap the rewards: 30 minutes per day or 150 minutes per week. While the exercise is an endurance workout, it has several benefits beyond stamina. Researchers have found that speed-walking can reduce the risks associated with osteoarthritis and osteoporosis by strengthening the bones and muscles in the legs. Additionally, walking has been shown to boost heart rate and increase blood flow to muscles, aiding in cardiovascular fitness. Walking can also improve insulin sensitivity and aid weight loss efforts.

Speed-walking might be experiencing some added interest from Olympic coverage, but it will always be an efficient form of exercise. The simple truth is that walking is more accessible than running, and it is less dreaded than other forms of aerobic activity. If you are interested in burning calories and improving cardiovascular health while increasing your stamina, speed-walking is for you.

What are some other unique exercises you have heard of and want to try?

Why I Am a Fiber Enthusiast

There always seems to be some new discovery in the world of health and nutrition, doesn’t there? Every so often, we hear about a new and exotic ingredient that can solve all our healthcare woes and help us finally slim down and enjoy optimal health. But what if the most effective solutions aren’t new at all?

I assert that fiber is one of the familiar ingredients we’ve highly underestimated in our society. While we’ve been searching for the newest and greatest health-promoting ingredients, fiber has been waiting around and hoping we’d slow down and notice its incredible health qualities. Unfortunately, 95% of Americans don’t get enough fiber in our daily diets. In fact, few of us come close to the recommended 20-30 grams of fiber we should be eating every day.

If you don’t know what fiber can do for your health and weight goals, you’re in for a surprise! Here are a few of the top reasons why I am now a fiber enthusiast.

Fiber Helps Maintain a Healthy Weight

Who doesn’t want to have an easier time maintaining a healthy weight? The battle of the bulge is a challenging one for many of us, which is why we should try to consume the recommended amount of fiber every day.

Foods that are high in fiber tend to fill us up more effectively than foods with little to no fiber. So if your current diet leaves you feeling famished all day long, the secret may be as simple as eating more fiber! High-fiber foods also tend to have fewer calories than the same volume of low-fiber foods.

Fiber Helps Lower Cholesterol Levels

It’s no secret that keeping your cholesterol within a healthy range can be challenging as you grow older But fiber can help. Studies reveal that foods high in soluble fiber (such as flaxseed, beans and oats), may lower “bad” cholesterol (low-density lipoprotein) and total blood cholesterol levels. It may even help reduce inflammation and blood pressure while it’s at it!

Fiber Normalizes Bowel Movements

Nobody likes to talk about their bowel habits, but if you struggle to stay regular, it’s time to eat more fiber! Dietary fiber softens the stool and increases its weight and size so it passes more easily. Eating sufficient fiber can also help you out if you tend to get diarrhea often because it absorbs the excess water.

Fiber Helps Control Blood Sugar

If you’re diabetic or pre-diabetic, eating high-fiber foods can slow down your body’s absorption of sugar and help control your blood sugar levels. If you don’t have diabetes, eating a healthy diet that includes sufficient insoluble fiber may help prevent you from developing the disease in the first place!

Fiber May Prevent Certain Diseases

We are all destined to die sometime, but that doesn’t mean we can’t fight for greater longevity. Consuming dietary fiber (especially cereal fiber) is associated with a reduced risk of death from certain diseases (such as cancer and cardiovascular disease).

How Much Fiber You Should Take

Here are daily fiber intake recommendations for adults (as provided by The Institute of Medicine):

  • Men (ages 50 or younger): 38 grams/day
  • Men (Ages 51 and older): 30 grams/day
  • Women (Ages 50 or younger): 25 grams/day
  • Women (ages 51 or older): 21 grams/day

You can determine how much fiber you’re getting each day by looking at food labels and looking up the nutrition information of foods that aren’t prepackaged (such as produce).

Good Sources of Fiber

There are a lot of delicious sources of fiber you can turn to if you need to increase your intake. They include:

  • Nuts and seeds
  • Whole-grain products
  • Vegetables
  • Fruits
  • Peas, beans and other legumes

It’s best to get your fiber from whole foods whenever possible. If you’re ready to start experiencing the many health benefits fiber can offer, start digging in to healthy, fiber-rich foods today!

The Healing Power of Foot Massages

There’s no denying a nice foot massage can feel heavenly. But would you be surprised if I told you a foot massage can actually help heal your body and mind? It sounds kind of hokey, right? That’s what I thought too … at first. But after some research and first-hand experience, here’s what I have come to understand about the healing power of foot massages.

Improves Circulation

If you sit a lot, your legs and feet are probably impacted by reduced blood circulation. Many of us live fairly sedentary lifestyles due to desk jobs or even binge-watching our favorite television shows. Wearing shoes that are too tight can also impact blood circulation in our feet and legs.

The cells in our feet and legs require oxygen from good blood flow to remain healthy. Fortunately, we can help reverse some of the damage caused by inhibited blood flow by getting regular foot massages. A foot massage stimulates the lymphatic system and helps improve blood flow—and thus oxygen flow—to the feet.

Reduces Pain

As we age, our feet become more achy and painful. Think about how we manage pain in our necks or backs. We get massages, right? We should do the same when we’re feeling discomfort in our feet. Massaging the soft tissues as well as the joints of the feet can help relieve our pain to some degree. If you tend to have cold feet, you may also notice that they feel warmer after a nice foot massage.

Supports Better Sleep

You may be wondering how rubbing your feet can lead to better sleep. Well, when you rub your feet (or better yet, have someone else do it) after a long day, you’ll start to feel more relaxed. Foot massages help relieve feelings of fatigue and stress. As these feelings subside, you’re in a much better position to fall asleep more easily and achieve deeper levels of sleep.

If you feel wound up before bed and have a difficult time getting the shuteye you need to maintain good health, try getting a soothing foot massage immediately before bed. Your sleep quality will likely improve as a result of your nightly foot massages.

Reduces Fluid Retention

Do your feet ever feel kind of squishy and fat after sitting or standing for a while? If so, you probably have issues with fluid retention. It is in your best interest to get the fluids in your body moving again. One way to do this is by getting regular foot massages. This can help reduce swelling in the ankles and feet.

Fights Depression

There are some activities that release endorphins into our bodies. These endorphins help us feel good and can fight off depression. A good foot massage is one of the many activities that can flood our bodies with endorphins.

If you’re feeling down, you may be able to boost your mood significantly by getting a quality foot massage. For those of us who tend to feel more depressed during the cold winter months, it becomes especially important to boost endorphins whenever possible.

If you can’t get your partner to massage your feet regularly, try pampering yourself and scheduling regular foot massages at a nearby spa. Your mental and physical health is well worth the modest expense. While you’re at it, why not get a full body massage and experience the stress-busting benefits?

You can also give yourself regular foot massages by sitting comfortably in a chair and putting the top of one of your feet on the opposite thigh. Then, drizzle some massage oil onto your foot and use both hands to gently knead your tired muscles and joints. Give it a try and see for yourself how regular foot massages can heal your body and mind.

When Should You Drink Water, and Are You Drinking Enough?

Many dieticians and nutritionists believe people often require more water than they get, even following federal guidelines — eight glasses per day. According to Sarah Krieger, a registered dietician nutritionist, a more accurate or adequate model is to take half of your body weight and drink that in ounces, meaning a 140-pound individual would drink 70 oz. 

The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine makes the process even easier, recommending men drink a minimum of 13 cups of fluids per day and women drink nine or more. In other words, men should aim for 104 oz. and women for 72 oz. 

How do you fit all that liquid into your day? First, pay attention to the wording. The suggestion is for fluids, not just water. However, it is crucial to up your water intake, and that is a straightforward process when you know the most optimum times to drink.


Many people do not realize they wake up in the morning already dehydrated. You do not drink for the eight hours you are asleep. Therefore, help your body replenish itself by drinking one to two cups of water when you wake, eight to 16 ounces. 

Once you have one or two cups, feel free to make yourself a cup of coffee. Coffee also counts toward your fluid intake for the day.

Pre-Meal, Mealtime, and Post-Meal

Many studies suggest that drinking water can help regulate and mitigate hunger. Therefore, many experts recommend having a cup of water before, during, and after a meal. 

By drinking a glass of water before your meal, you effectively lubricate your insides, which will ultimately help with digestion. However, you also prefill your stomach, meaning you are less likely to overindulge during the meal. 

Drinking water during your meal will also help with digestion. It also provides lubrication for your throat, making it easier to swallow food. 

Finally, drinking a cup of water after a meal ensures optimal digestion and helps reduce the risk of sudden hunger pangs. Therefore, drinking water in this way ensures you stick to a meal plan and avoid consuming empty calories between meals.

Midafternoon Slump

It is natural to feel a bit of a slump around 3:00 pm. While this slump often results in the afternoon consumption of coffee, it is best to stay away from caffeinated beverages. Consuming caffeine late in the afternoon can affect sleep later. 

What most people do not realize is that slumps can stem from dehydration. Dehydration can also result in irritability, hostility, confusion, etc. Therefore, it is best to help your body stay steady and alert by consuming more water.

Pre-Workout, Workout, and Post-Workout 

Do you workout before or after work? Regardless of when you exercise, drinking water is a crucial component of your routine. 

While you will want to drink water before your routine, make sure you allow your body enough time to process the fluid. Drinking a cup of water immediately before hopping on a treadmill will likely result in bloating and discomfort. Instead, drink a cup of water 30 minutes before you begin. 

You will also want to hydrate during your workout. However, do not gulp water. Take sips. Drink slowly during your routine to prevent getting sick or feeling uncomfortable.


You should also bring a glass of water to bed, only taking a couple of sips before lying down. Too much water before bed will lead to sleep disruptions. 

Are you an avid water drinker? Share your tips for staying hydrated throughout the day.

Can Sleeping With a Sound Machine Help You Sleep Better?

Even though adults need seven to eight hours of sleep every night, nearly one-third of Americans don’t get enough. Almost 50% are sleepy during the day every week. Can keeping a sound machine next to the bed help?

Improving Sleep Quality

Sound machines work by producing white noise, a combination of sounds similar to the hiss of static from the radio. There’s a lot of scientific evidence suggesting that these sounds can help people fall asleep more quickly and sleep more deeply. In one study, the participants fell asleep almost 40% faster with white noise.

The better the quality of your sleep, and the longer you remain asleep, the better your body and mind feel the next day.

Blocking Out Loud Noises

Today’s cities are filled with noise 24/7. This is even true in many suburbs. It only takes one unkind neighbor to ruin things for the whole block. Parties echoing, car alarms sounding, horns blaring, people arguing and dogs barking can all interrupt your sweet slumber.

Sound machines are incredible at blocking outside noises. White noise covers all sound frequencies, so it acts like a kind of wall against loud sounds from the street.

Helping You Stay Asleep

If you’re regularly waking up during the night, you should seriously consider trying a white noise machine in your bedroom. Having your sleep interrupted constantly can have real impacts on your health:

  • High blood pressure
  • Weight gain
  • Diabetes risks
  • Low sex drive
  • Weakened immune system
  • Depression and anxiety
  • Mental tiredness and physical fatigue

Even people who are deep sleepers should take steps to make the bedroom a calm, quiet place. Studies show that these people may be semi-awaking countless times without realizing it. They feel exhausted all the time without realizing why.

Promoting Relaxation and Calm

Sound machines produce a range of soothing sounds. In addition to the static hiss of white noise, there are deeper tones of pink noise (the sound of a waterfall) and red noise (rain sounds). Some of these devices also play endless recordings of ocean waves and other nature sounds.

These noises actively help you relax. If you’ve ever visited a spa for a massage, you’ve heard these calming sounds. They can have the same stress-relieving effects before bedtime.

Are you the type of person who tends to fall asleep during long road trips? This happens because of the vibration of the vehicle’s wheels on the highway, a version of white noise. A sound machine may be perfect for helping you get better Zs at night.

Training Your Brain To Sleep

The brain loves patterns and habits. From how you put on your socks to what time you wake up in the morning, many parts of your day happen automatically because of the routines your brain makes.

Some scientists think that sound machines can help create a positive habit for bedtime. As soon as your brain hears the familiar white noise, it starts getting in the mood for sleep. Another possibility is that the brain finds the full spectrum of neutral sounds pleasant.

Creating a Relaxing Bedtime Routine

Sound machines can be a great help for chasing away anxiety, blocking unwanted noise and sleeping consistently. Take things to the next level with a bedtime routine. Add things that help you relax, such as soaking in a bubble bath, massaging your feet with silky cream or sipping a cup of turmeric tea.

My Favorite Herbs for Female Health

Ladies, how often have you heard someone say that females are complicated? Once you get to be my age, you’ll probably hear such references at least a few dozen times. While you may be tempted to roll your eyes and blow off those types of statements, there is actually some truth to them. The female body truly is complicated, especially when you consider the many hormone changes we go through at different phases of our lives.

If we want to look and feel our best, we need to make sure our hormones are balanced, whether we’re still getting monthly periods or we’ve already gone through menopause. If our hormones become imbalanced, we’re likely to suffer from many unwanted symptoms. Fortunately, there are herbs available that can help you restore hormone balance even if things get out of whack for a while. Here are my favorite selections of herbs for supporting female health through all of life’s stages.


Despite its strange name, ashwagandha is one of the best herbs for supporting female libido and healthy reproduction. It is an Indian herb that has a long history of use in both men and women. While its stress-reducing properties have long been known, ashwagandha may have special uses for females. It targets the endocrine system specifically and supports the proper balance of female hormones. It can also reduce symptoms commonly associated with menopause, including hot flashes, anxiety and mood swings.


Maca root is one of the more popular herbs for supporting hormone health in both males and females. Research has shown it to help with common menopausal symptoms and can boost libido. It is also helpful for combatting sexual dysfunction caused by unbalanced hormones. Another excellent benefit that makes this herb so attractive is that it may help with weight loss. That makes sense when you consider that many causes of weight gain stem from unbalanced hormones.

Muira Puama

This herb is valued for its ability to stimulate female libido. Before I get into how it can help, I first want to say that it’s natural for libido to ebb and flow throughout life. So don’t be too hard on yourself if there are periods when you don’t really want to be intimate. But if you’re frustrated with a particularly long spell of decreased desire, Muira Pauma may be the answer. In one study, more than 65% of women experienced improved intimate satisfaction and intensity after taking this herb.

Tribulus Terrestris

Long known for its role in supporting female hormone balance, Tribulus Terrestris also shows great promise for boosting libido in both men and women. If you’re struggling with arousal, desire and satisfaction, try taking this simple herb and see if it helps. Considering the fact that it improved sexual desire in 49 out of 50 female study participants, the chance of it working for you is quite high!

Avena Sativa

Long known as a natural aphrodisiac, Avena sativa can support female health in other ways, as well. While it’s boosting your intimate desires, it may also be supporting your bone health. Since osteoporosis is more common in women than men, anything we can do to develop good bone health is a step in the right direction.

Whether you’re a big fan of herbs or you’ve never used them before, I recommend trying the ones outlined above to keep your female hormones in check. But before taking any type of supplement, it’s wise to check with your healthcare provider to make sure it won’t interact with any medications you’re currently taking. Once you’re given the green light, give one or more of the above herbs a try and see if it works for you.

Eat These 4 Lycopene-Rich Foods for Longevity!

Lycopene is an amazing antioxidant related to vitamin A. This natural compound is what gives some fruits and veggies their pink or red color. Some studies suggest that lycopene can have powerful protective effects on the body:

  • Lowering bad cholesterol levels
  • Keeping blood vessels flexible and healthy
  • Helping you avoid heart disease
  • Reducing the risk of lung and prostate cancer
  • Slowing the growth of breast cancers
  • Delaying the development of cataracts
  • Keeping your eyes healthy as you age
  • Helping prevent Alzheimer’s disease and memory loss

OK, so you're convinced. But where can you find this perfect pink superstar?

1. Tomatoes

A diet with abundant tomatoes is guaranteed to be rich in lycopene. You can enjoy countless different varieties, including melt-in-your-mouth cherry tomatoes and tangy Roma tomatoes. Here are a few fun facts to maximize the lycopene in tomatoes:

  • Cooked tomatoes have more lycopene than fresh.
  • Sun-dried tomatoes are packed with lycopene.
  • The amount of lycopene increases as tomatoes ripen.
  • Your body absorbs lycopene better when accompanied by healthy fats, such as extra-virgin olive oil.

In case you’re wondering, tomato paste and spaghetti sauce also have lots of lycopene, so you don’t have to make Italian favorites from scratch to benefit. That said, be careful with excess sugar or salt in processed tomato products.

2. Watermelons

Remember: If it’s red, it probably has lycopene! Watermelons are no exception. Feasting on this delicious, juicy summertime favorite can give you a whopping 7 mg of lycopene per cup, plus lots of vitamin C. This fruit is low in calories and great for staying hydrated on hot days.

Many people enjoy watermelon as a healthy snack or dessert option, but you don’t have to stop there. This tasty fruit works great in savory recipes, too, breathing life into garden salads and Mediterranean feta on toast.

Many Indian recipes feature watermelon also. Did you know you can sauté watermelon chunks (cooking boosts lycopene) with garlic, turmeric and other spices for a mouthwatering curry? Creamy yogurt, watermelon and mint are another classic combination.

3. Red Bell Peppers

Red peppers aren’t exactly overflowing with lycopene, but they provide a decent amount. What makes them a great choice for your diet is how versatile they are for cooking. Pizza, fajitas, tacos, stir-fries, kebabs, burgers and salads barely scratch the surface of the possibilities!

4. Pink Guavas

If you’ve never tried this marvelous, sweet fruit, you don’t know what you’ve been missing. It has a wonderful flavor similar to a combination of strawberries and pears. Even better, just one pink guava gives you over 5 mg of lycopene, which is more than fresh tomatoes.

Of course, not everyone has access to guava at their local farmers' market. If you live in a warmer state, such as Florida or California, you may have an easier time. Generally speaking, anywhere you can find papaya, you can also find guava.  Another option is to buy unsweetened guava juice.

More Lycopene

With so many benefits, it’s no surprise that some health professionals believe that making sure you’re getting enough lycopene probably helps you live longer. No wonder Italian grandmas with their fresh tomatoes live so long!

Top 3 Chair Exercise To Start a New Fitness Routine

Many people struggle to maintain adequate exercise routines. Work, family obligations and health can all interfere with even the best intentions. If you are coming back to fitness after some time away, you should consider taking it slow. Focus on easing back into routines. The best and safest way to ease into an exercise routine is by performing chair exercises. You can find many effective whole-body chair workouts, but why not start with only a few exercises?

1. Calf Raises

Calf raises are a common leg exercise that you can perform while seated. While sitting tall, plant your feet firmly on the floor at about a hip distance apart. Look ahead, and engage your core. Lift the heel of your right foot off the floor while maintaining contact with your toes. Raise your calf as high as you can and engage the muscles. Hold the position for 20 seconds. Lower the heel and repeat the movement 10 more times. Repeat the exercise with the left leg when finished with the right leg. Do a minimum of three sets per leg, 10 reps each set.

To make the workout even more challenging, perform two additional sets with both legs simultaneously. Do not rush the exercise; move slowly through each movement and engage the muscles.

2. Hip Marches

Hip marches give people a way to perform modified cardiovascular exercises. They also provide opportunities to improve hip flexibility. According to personal trainers, hip marches are straightforward exercises with minimal risk of injury, making them suitable for aging adults and beneficial for all.

Start in the same position as you did with the calf raises. You need to keep your torso tall and your abdominal muscles engaged. Some people find it helpful to push up slightly on the chair's armrest, keeping a straight back and remaining seated. Imagine marching down the street or across a stadium field. Lift your knee as high as you can. Hold your knee in position briefly before lowering it back to the ground. Do the same march simulation for the opposite leg.

Because this is a cardiovascular exercise, you'll want to repeat the movement at least 20 times. After 20, take a small break before repeating the exercise. You should repeat the exercise two or three times.

3. Sit-and-Stands

Professionals consider sit-and-stands as a precursor to squats. While often included in exercise routines for seniors to help improve and maintain mobility and strength, these faux squats can help anyone improve leg strength, balance and control.

Sitting in a sturdy chair, assume the starting position of the previous two exercises. You want to avoid using your arms and hands as much as possible, engaging the core and using your legs instead. While leaning forward from the hips, push your weight down into your feet. Extending through your legs and engaging your core, straighten your body, ending in a standing position. Then, push your hips backward and allow your knees to bend as you slowly and carefully lower yourself back into the chair. Repeat the sit-and-stands 10 times, and perform two to three sets.

Chair exercises provide an excellent and safe way to ease back into an exercise routine after time away. Talk to your primary care physician first if you want to start a new fitness regimen.

What You Should Know About Excess Testosterone in Women

What’s the first thing you think of when I say the word “testosterone”? Do you envision rippling muscles and bearded faces? That’s pretty normal. After all, testosterone is one of the most well-known male sex hormones. But testosterone isn’t solely a male hormone. Women have it, too. And while women are often concerned about keeping our estrogen and progesterone levels balanced, many of us give little thought to whether or not our testosterone levels are balanced.

It's estimated that between 5% and 10% of women have high testosterone. Of those women, about 10% are likely to also have polycystic ovary syndrome (otherwise known as PCOS). Imbalanced testosterone can lead to a variety of unwanted side effects, including decreased sex drive, frontal balding, infertility and more.

What Causes Excess Testosterone in Women?

There are several things that can cause testosterone levels to rise too high in women, including:

  • Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia: This is a disorder that typically causes an overproduction of androgen hormones in the body. It leads to more masculine characteristics in women.

  • Polycystic Ovary Syndrome: Women with this condition also have imbalanced androgen hormones. This can lead to a variety of issues, including menstrual cycle abnormalities and infertility.

  • Hirsutism: Marked by persistent growth of unwanted body hair, this disease causes the body to produce too much testosterone. It’s primarily a genetic condition.

There are other conditions that can lead to testosterone imbalances in females, but the three listed above are the most common.

What Are Symptoms of Too Much Testosterone in Females?

Too much testosterone in females can lead to a variety of issues, including changes in physical appearance, mood swings and obesity. Here are some symptoms to watch out for if you suspect you may have too much testosterone in your body:

  • Irregular menstrual cycles

  • Excess body hair (especially on the face)

  • Receding hairline or balding

  • Low libido

  • Mood swings

  • Infertility

If you notice one or more of these issues, there’s a possibility your testosterone levels could be imbalanced. It’s important to take action to try to restore balance so you can get rid of these unwanted symptoms.

Treatment Options for Excess Testosterone

So, now that you know why you’re so hairy, grumpy or bald, what can you do about it? The first thing you should do is see your doctor and have your hormone levels tested so you can rule out any other issues. Once you’re certain that too much testosterone is behind your symptoms, you can seek treatment.

Your doctor may recommend one of the following medications for your hormone imbalance, depending on your age, case severity, and the underlying cause of your condition:

  • Oral contraceptives

  • Glucocorticosteroids

  • Spironolactone

  • Metformin

It’s important to understand that these medications come with some risk of side effects. Make sure you fully understand the side effects before agreeing to take any medication.

Beyond meds, there are things you can do to impact your hormone levels naturally. Lifestyle changes such as losing excess weight, exercising regularly and eating a healthy, well-balanced diet can all help balance hormones. There are also some supplements that may help, such as spearmint tea, white peony, reishi mushroom and licorice tea. Even vitamin D has been shown to help balance androgen levels in women with PCOS and other hormone disorders. It may also help boost mood in the winter months when you don’t get as much exposure to natural sunlight.

While most supplements are fairly safe, there are some that may carry a risk of side effects. Before taking any supplement, check with your doctor to make sure it won’t interact negatively with any medications you’re taking or any other health conditions you have.

Food Labels: How To Read Them Without Being Tricked

As a health-conscious consumer, you may rely on food labels to inform you of what you put into your body. While it’s good practice to always read food labels, it may discourage you to learn that labels aren’t always transparent. Many labels are purposely complex — and spare — so as to hide the true nutritional value (or lack thereof) of the products within the packaging. So that you don’t fall victim to misrepresentations, it may be worth your while to learn how to interpret food labels accurately. Below are a few tips to help you out.  

Always Check the Serving Size

If you rely on food labels to tell you how much of any given ingredient is in a certain product, it’s crucial that you don’t rely on the numbers alone. First, check out the serving size information.

Most packaged foods contain more than one serving. For instance, a can of soup typically contains two servings. A box of Cheez-Its contains 12 servings. You can generally find both the serving size and the number of servings per container at the top of the food label. The nutritional values listed next to each ingredient apply to each serving, not the entire container. So, if a serving size of soup is half a can and you eat the whole can, you consume twice the amount of calories, fat and nutrients listed on the label.

Double Check the Calorie Count

In addition to highlighting serving size, most food labels like to draw attention to calorie counts. Because calories provide a measure of energy you gain from a serving of food — and because they directly contribute to weight goals — many health-conscious consumers strive to control the number of calories they consume on a daily basis. If you’re one such consumer, compare the advertised calorie count with the serving size. If a package asserts that the contents within contain 120 calories but the container contains 4 servings, the actual calorie count is 480.

Calculate % Daily Value

The % daily value refers to the percentage of the daily value of nutrients that each serving contains. More specifically, these values tell you how much a food or beverage contributes to your daily diet. The DVs are merely recommendations for how much of a particular ingredient you should consume or not exceed each day and are based on a 2,000-calorie-per-day diet. For example, if a food contains 3% cholesterol, it provides 3% of the total amount of cholesterol a person who needs 2,000 calories a day should consume.

The DV percentages can help you assess just how nutritional or non-nutritional a food or beverage is. DVs of 5% or less are low in nutrients. DVs of 20% or more, on other hand, have a high nutrient count per serving. That said, whether a food is good for you depends on which ingredients have high DVs. Foods with high % daily values of vitamin D, iron, calcium, fiber and potassium are nutritious. Foods that are high in sodium, saturated fats and added sugars, however, are not.

Ignore Front-of-Box Labels

If you take anything away from this article, let it be this: Ignore all the claims and assertions on front-of-box labels. Front labels are not regulated and often use misleading — and sometimes downright false — health claims to lure health-conscious consumers into making impulse purchases. If you think you are above falling for these tactics, know that research indicates that front-of-box health claims convince an overwhelming majority of people to purchase a product.

Manufacturers are tricky with their food labels. If you are serious about building and maintaining a healthy lifestyle, you need to outsmart them by learning how to read labels accurately.