Stomach Upset? 5 Soothing Teas To Sip That Will Ease Nausea Discomfort

Sipping a cup of soothing tea is one of the best ways to calm an upset stomach. There are a lot of teas that work, but I want to share five that you may not have tried before:

1. Ginger Tea

Ginger is one of the best teas for getting rid of nausea and stomach aches quickly. Many moms-to-be drink ginger tea as a remedy for morning sickness. My daughter did that when she was pregnant with her baby girl and it helped her a lot.

Another reason I recommend ginger tea is that it has lots of flavor. If you normally dislike herbal teas because they’re too “light,” ginger has a tangy pop of flavor you’ll love.

How to make ginger tea: Cut a piece of ginger a few inches long and peel it. Add this whole piece to boiling water and let it simmer for 3–5 minutes. If you want, add some honey for sweetness.

2. Peppermint Tea

The menthol in peppermint has a relaxing effect on intestinal muscles. This makes peppermint tea an excellent choice for cramps and stomach pain. Personally, I find that even just smelling the aroma of peppermint tea helps me get rid of nausea. Each time I take a sip, I breathe in the calming steam that rises from my cup.

How to make real peppermint tea: I love fresh peppermint. To make tea with fresh leaves, crush a handful of peppermint with the back of a spoon. Let it steep for around 7 minutes. You can either filter the leaves afterward or savor them.

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3. Fennel Tea

Fennel looks like a strange type of celery and it tastes similar to licorice or anise. When it comes to alleviating the different symptoms of upset stomach, fennel does it all. It can help with gas, bloating, heartburn, nausea, stomach pain, menstrual cramps and other digestive troubles. It even has antibacterial effects for the times when indigestion is because of a mild stomach infection.

How to make fennel tea: The easiest, and cheapest, way to make fennel tea is with 1–2 teaspoons of whole fennel seeds. First, crush them gently with the back of a spoon. Add them to 2 cups of water and let them boil for 2–3 minutes.

4. Lemon and Honey Tea

Citrus fruit has refreshing oils that calm nausea and vomiting. If fact, smelling a cut lemon may give you all the relief you need. I like the double combination of lemon scent and warm tea. Honey gives your digestive system some antibacterial help at the same time.

How to make fresh lemon and honey tea: Squeeze the juice from one medium or large lemon into a cup (about 2 teaspoons of lemon juice). Add 2 teaspoons of honey. Pour boiling water into this glass and stir the mixture until the honey dissolves.

5. Holy Basil (Tulsi) Tea

A newcomer in the U.S., holy basil is a sacred herb in India (called tulsi) that’s been used for thousands of years. This exotic relative of common basil helps to decrease stomach acid, protect the lining of your stomach, soothe nausea and even calm anxiety, all of which can help your tummy feel more comfortable.

How to make tulsi tea: Add 2–3 teaspoons of holy basil leaves or dried leaf powder to a cup of boiling water and let everything simmer for about 5 minutes.

Trust me, these 5 teas work wonders for an upset tummy. They’re pretty tasty and relaxing, too.

Staying Hydrated: Why It Matters and How It Prevents Pain

Did you know that one of the best secrets to preventing pain is completely free? It’s something that all of us have right at home: good old H2O!

The Connection Between Staying Hydrated and Alleviating Pain

Your body already has a lot of built-in pain relievers working for you. Some of these systems are designed to get rid of harmful substances, and others contribute to healthy joints by building cartilage. Special brain chemicals called endorphins calm pain naturally and make you feel happier. Water plays a big role in all of these systems.

H2O helps with pain relief in five main ways:

  • Lubricating the right tissues

  • Getting rid of toxins and pain-causing substances

  • Delivering nutrients throughout the body

  • Stimulating the production of pain-calming endorphins

  • Keeping joints healthy

Staying hydrated can help to reduce inflammation in your knees, ankles, toes, shoulders, neck, elbows and wrists. Water lubricates and cushions all of your joints, keeping them as comfortable as possible. Drinking plenty of water also protects your nerves and spinal cord.

Painful Conditions That Benefit When You Drink More Water

Everyone needs water to stay happy and healthy, but this miracle liquid is especially important if you have chronic pain conditions:

  • Gout: Getting plenty of water can help prevent gout attacks. Scientists aren’t exactly sure why this is helpful, but it can make a big difference. Water appears to help your body clear out excess uric acid.

  • Migraines: Dehydration is a common trigger of migraine headaches.

  • Other headaches: When you’re running low on water, it can cause a dehydration headache, a pulsating or throbbing aching on both sides of the head.

  • Kidney stones: Not getting enough water can lead to the formation of these painful stones in some people. Staying hydrated reduces your risk significantly.

  • Arthritis: Did you know that about 60% of cartilage is made of water? Staying hydrated is essential for slowing down cartilage damage and preventing friction pain.

Water isn’t a magic painkiller, but staying hydrated is an essential part of pain relief. Make sure to get your 8 glasses a day if you experience any of these conditions frequently.

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Other Benefits of Drinking Enough Water

Getting plenty of water is actually one of the most important things you can do for your health. The benefits of H2O go way beyond pain relief. It supports natural weight loss, good digestive health and healthy blood sugar control. It keeps your skin looking radiant and nourished. Water is even related to higher energy levels and a positive mood!

How does this wonderful liquid help you slim your tummy? For one thing, it can calm sugar cravings. Drinking water with meals helps you avoid overeating. You feel satisfied with smaller portions.

Water also benefits your digestive system. Eating lots of fiber is important for all of us, but it doesn’t do much unless you also stay hydrated. Plus, water helps you eliminate toxins from your body without any extreme cleanses.

Tips for Staying Hydrated

I know that it’s not always easy to stay hydrated. During the winter, you’re probably not always inclined to reach for a glass of cold water. Other times, you may simply forget to drink enough.

One thing that helps me to look forward to drinking water is adding fresh fruit: lemon, orange, strawberries, cranberries or blueberries. To avoid forgetting, I follow the habit of drinking one glass of water each time I eat a meal or grab a snack. Tea counts too, so a cup at night helps!

Is Black Seed Oil the Key to Weight Loss?

There are a lot of claims that black seed oil is the next weight-loss “miracle” you need if you want to stay slim. Believers will tell you that it “melts” fat and “instantly” gives you a perfect waistline. How much of the hype is true?

What Is Black Seed Oil?

Black seed oil comes from a flowering plant called Nigella sativa. Some natural health stores refer to this plant as black caraway, black cumin or Roman coriander, but it’s not related to traditional cumin or caraway at all. When pressed, these tiny black seeds release an aromatic, peppery oil.

How Effective Is Black Seed Oil for Weight Loss?

It’s time for the million-dollar question: Does black seed oil really work for losing weight? The answer is yes, but there’s a catch.

According to a few studies, black seed oil can significantly reduce the body-mass index and waist size of people who are overweight. So far, so good. It helps you drop those extra pounds and slims your belly.

However, this research measured weight loss in groups who were also eating a low-calorie diet. The people taking black seed oil burned more fat compared to the other group, but everyone in the study was eating healthy food. This means that black seed oil can enhance your weight loss efforts, but you also need to follow a smart diet.

Why Is Black Seed Oil Good for Weight Loss?

Scientists still aren’t sure how black seed oil helps with weight loss. One possibility is that its natural compounds give your metabolism a boost for faster fat burning. It’s also possible that black seed oil reduces cravings for junk food, making it easier to eat less and choose healthy foods.

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What Other Health Benefits Does Black Seed Oil Have?

Black seeds have been used for their medicinal properties for a long time. So, if you want to try this oil for slimming your waistline, you may get other benefits, too. Black seed oil is rich in antioxidants, making it good for overall health:

  • Reduces blood pressure

  • Lowers cholesterol

  • Improves blood sugar levels

  • Prevents bloating

  • Helps digestive function

Important studies have shown that black seed oil can help people who type 2 diabetes to balance their blood sugar levels. By lowering blood pressure and cholesterol, the antioxidants in black seed oil can help protect your heart.

How Safe Is Black Seed Oil?

More research is needed, but taking the equivalent of 1 teaspoon a day for several months doesn’t appear to have harmful side effects. However, black seed oil may interfere with medications such as beta blockers. If you take prescription medicine, always check with your doctor before taking supplements.

How Do You Use Black Seed Oil?

If you’re excited about trying black seed oil, getting started is pretty easy. You can either take it as a supplement or use it with meals.

Soft gel supplements provide about 2–3 grams of oil per day. Some people take 1 teaspoon of oil directly. When used in meals, you can add 2–4 tablespoons without problems.

Personally, I like to use black seed oil in salad dressing. It has a spicy, strong flavor similar to fennel. I mix it with lemon juice or Dijon mustard for a healthy vinaigrette. You can toss this tasty dressing with spinach, romaine, arugula, radishes, carrots and other fresh veggies.

Are You Eating the 4 Best Foods for a Healthy Immune System?

One of the most import factors in a healthy immune system is your diet. Eating plenty of vitamin-rich foods can strengthen your defenses against germs. Try these four natural-health superstars:

1. Citrus Fruits

Tangy oranges, grapefruits, tangerines, lemons and limes are a delicious way to make meals more exciting. They also give your immune system a lot of vitamin C, one of the most important vitamins for staying healthy. Vitamin C increases production of white blood cells, giving you a tiny army that searches for and destroys viruses.

Easy Cilantro-Lime Vinaigrette Recipe

The next time you make a salad, instead of pouring ranch dressing on it, make your own refreshing citrus vinaigrette:

  • 2 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil

  • 2 tablespoons freshly squeezed lime juice (lemon juice works also)

  • 1 or 2 tablespoons chopped fresh cilantro

  • 1 garlic clove, crushed or minced

  • 1/2 teaspoon salt

  • 1/2 teaspoon sugar

All you have to do is stir these ingredients together and pour them on your favorite salad.

2. Oysters

Low on zinc? Oysters and other shellfish are a great source of this immune-boosting mineral. Zinc helps the immune system function correctly.

3. Red and Green Bell Peppers

Did you know that bell peppers have even more vitamin C than oranges? They also give your immune system extra vitamin A, an antioxidant. Vitamin A helps build your immune system and makes it react more quickly to infections.

Tip: To get the most nutrients possible, keep these colorful veggies tender and crisp. Enjoy them fresh in salads, sauté them in stir fries or char them lightly on the grill.

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4. Ginger and Garlic

Garlic and ginger are a dynamic duo for enhancing your immune response. Garlic has powerful medicinal properties. Adding fresh garlic to your meals won’t prevent you from getting sick, but it may speed up your recovery.

Ginger is an herb that can neutralize microbes. It increases some of the main lines of defense your body has against infections. This spicy root is packed with nutrients and antioxidants, so it’s not surprising that ginger is so good for you.

Zesty Garlic-Ginger Chicken Soup Recipe

Remember the chicken soup your mother used to make when you were sick with a cold? This is the same thing only even better for your immune system:

  • 2 tablespoons fresh garlic

  • 2 tablespoons fresh ginger

  • 1 large red onion, chopped

  • 2 pounds skinless chicken breasts (or thighs), cut into pieces

  • 1/2 cup chopped carrots

  • 1 cup mushrooms

  • 4 cups organic chicken broth

  • 6 cups water

Sauté fresh garlic, ginger and onion in a large pan with olive oil. Cook for 3 minutes.

Add the chicken, water, chicken broth, mushrooms and carrots. After bringing the liquid to a boil, turn down the heat and simmer for 30–60 minutes. Add salt to taste, along with extra garlic and ginger if you want additional zing.

Enjoy a bowl of soup while it’s pleasantly warm.

The Importance of Good Nutrition for a Healthy Immune System

According to Harvard Medical School, senior adults have a higher chance of getting sick than younger people. This may be because the body produces fewer immune cells. It may also be from vitamin deficiencies. Whatever the cause, as you age, you need to stay focused on eating nutritious superfoods. Healthy foods enhance your immune system and take care of the rest of your body, too.