The Unique Advantages of a Humidifier

Humidifiers work by vaporizing liquid to add to the moisture level in your home. While these devices might not be paramount in the warmer, more humid months of the year, they play a critical role in your house and even health during the winter. 

People often undervalue the significance of moisture levels in their homes, often equating moisture with problems, such as mold. Still, despite moisture causing some complications, at adequate levels — no higher than 50% — moisture content can help maintain the house's structure and the people, pets, and plants inside. 

The idea of bringing a tool into your home to add moisture to specific areas can seem a bit strange, but it is beneficial. Before you decide to forego purchasing a humidifier, consider the advantages of using one.

Prevent Dry Skin 

Did you know that it is normal for moisture levels in your home to dip below 30% when using forced air heating? Your skin begins to lose its moisture at such levels, resulting in dry, tight, itchy, and flaky skin. 

Your hands and lips are especially vulnerable to losing moisture and becoming dehydrated. The hands have fewer oil glands than other parts of the body, so they have less protection against dry air. The lips are more sensitive with more tender skin, making it easier for them to become chapped and cracked. 

A humidifier helps return some of the lost moisture in the air, providing relief for your skin. Applying hand lotion and chapstick can also help mitigate damage in the colder, drier months.

Ease Sinus Symptoms 

The winter and drier climates are notorious for drying out sinuses and nasal passages. The excess dryness can lead to sinus pressure, headaches, bloody noses, and discomfort. 

While many people believe that humidity will only worsen stuffiness and sinus issues, the contrary is true. Maintaining optimal humidity levels throughout your home contribute to healthy sinus and mucus function, reducing the risks of sinus-related problems. 

A humidifier permits the ease of breathing because it encourages the free movement of mucus. Additionally, it reduces the risks of a bloody nose and sinus headaches.

Reduce Spread of Germs and Bacteria

The National Academy of Sciences found that dry conditions promote the survival and transmission of the influenza virus. Therefore, using a humidifier to maintain optimal moisture levels can reduce the risk of spreading viruses, germs, and bacteria. 

Humidity does not permit the spread of bacteria through the air as much as dry conditions. Moisture in the air makes it heavier and harder to navigate at a molecular level. With appropriate moisture levels, viruses cannot spread as far and wide, meaning humidifiers can reduce the risk of infection. 

However, do not count on humidifiers to eliminate all risks. You will still need to focus on hygiene — regularly bathing and washing your hands and taking necessary precautions like receiving vaccinations. 

Provide Additional Warmth 

Aside from the health benefits of using a humidifier, the device also provides environmental advantages, such as providing greater warmth. Research suggests that dry air typically feels chillier than moist air. 

HVAC professionals recommend using humidifiers in combination with forced air heat to combat feeling overly cold. Additionally, using a humidifier can help reduce the strain on your HVAC system. 

While the general principle of homeownership is to avoid moisture in the house, it should be changed to the avoidance of excess moisture. Humidifiers add a beneficial amount of moisture to an otherwise dry space, helping to relieve wintertime ailments. 

Do you use a humidifier? Why or why not? 

6 Exercises To Alleviate Knee Pain

Are you among the 25% of American adults who struggle with chronic knee pain according to the Administration for Community Living? Often, this issue results from arthritis, overuse, injury, or stress on the joint.

Physical activities that stretch and strengthen the knee often alleviate stiffness and discomfort. You can also build surrounding muscles to remove pressure from the joint. Educate yourself on these six exercises for knee pain that can potentially provide relief. Always warm up with 15 to 20 minutes of walking, cycling or another type of low-impact cardio before you start.

Calf Raises

For this basic leg-strengthening exercise:

  • Stand with feet about shoulder-width apart.
  • Shift your weight to the balls of your feet, raising both heels off the ground.
  • Lower your heels back to the ground slowly in a controlled motion.
  • Repeat for three sets of 10 reps each.

Hamstring Curls

Bolster these muscles behind the thigh with this simple stretching exercise:

  • Lay face-down on a yoga mat or blanket. 
  • Bend your heels toward your backside and hold as long as you can.
  • Perform three sets, each with 15 reps.

If the hamstring curl starts to feel too easy, try adding light ankle weights to (gently) amp up the intensity.

Leg Lifts

For this exercise, lay flat on your back with a blanket or yoga mat for comfort, then follow these steps:

  • Bend the right leg at the knee, moving your heel toward your rear and keeping your left leg straight.
  • Draw in your abs by pretending an invisible string running from the floor is pulling your belly straight down. Your lower back should be flush with the floor.
  • Slowly lift the left leg off the ground, still straight. Keep the foot flexed. Stop at about 12 inches and hold the pose for 5 seconds. 
  • Lower the leg back to the floor with a slow, controlled movement. 
  • Repeat twice more with the left leg, then do the same with the right leg.

Quadriceps Stretch

This standing stretch benefits the knee joint. Start with feet shoulder-width apart, then:

  • Bend your right knee and bring your heel toward your rear just as you did with the hamstring curls.
  • Clasp your right ankle with your right hand.
  • Hold the stretch for a count of 10 before gently releasing your foot.
  • Repeat on the left side, then do 15 to 20 more reps. 
  • You can increase the intensity by using a yoga strap to carefully deepen the stretch.


You can use a staircase in your home or an exercise step to work out your glutes, hip flexors, hamstrings and quadriceps:

  • Step up with your right foot, letting your left foot fall behind the stair.
  • Shift your weight to your right foot and hold for about 5 seconds.
  • Lower the left foot back down to the floor, followed by the right.
  • Repeat with the left foot and then complete 10 to 15 sets of both legs.

Wall Squats

For this move, place your back against a wall and feet in alignment with your shoulders, then follow these steps:

  • Bend your knees slowly while keeping your pelvis and back flush with the wall.
  • Hold the squat for 5 to 10 seconds.
  • Repeat, holding a bit longer each time.
  • Stop or relax if you feel discomfort or pressure in the knee joint.

Some sources of knee pain won't resolve with exercise alone. See your healthcare provider if you experience joint pain accompanied by a fever, redness and swelling around the joint, pain that doesn't get better with exercise and self-care, or pain that wakes you at night or worsens with activity.

Keeping Your Skin Hydrated in the Winter

The frigid winter air causes many problems for the skin, drying it out, resulting in flakiness and itching. Unfortunately, women often suffer more than men in winter, especially as they get older. 

According to dermatologists, as women age, their skin is less capable of maintaining moisture. The natural loss of moisture only compounds the winter dryness problem.

Dehydration leads to the compromise of the skin's protective layer. The compromise of this layer can result in further skin damage, including cracking and wrinkling. 

How do you protect your skin? What can you do to ensure you maintain adequate hydration even in the coldest and driest months of the year?

Look for Serums With Hyaluronic Acid

Skin serums help repair the damaged protective layer of the skin, and serums containing hyaluronic acid provide extra hydration protection. Hyaluronic acid can hold up to 1000 times its weight in hydration, making it one of the best ingredients for super-thirsty skin.

When looking at the ingredients list for facial serums, look for the amount of hyaluronic acid. Some serums contain the ingredient but only in small amounts. You want to find the solutions that use it as a primary ingredient. Some manufacturers have as much as 75% hyaluronic acid in their serums.

Purchase Body Creams

While worrying about the face is one thing, you should also focus on the rest of your body. Many people experience winter flakiness on their chest, back, arms, and legs.

If you want to combat complete body dryness, look for moisturizing lotions and creams containing lactic acid and glycolic acid. The two alpha-hydroxy acids encourage skin cell turnover and hydration for a healthier, hydrated appearance. 

When looking for creams and serums, you should avoid products containing perfumes and other potential irritants or dehydrating ingredients if you have sensitive skin. Some of the elements to avoid include: 

  • Parfum, or perfume
  • Charcoal
  • Kaolin
  • Tea tree oil
  • Salicylic acid

Drink More Water, Maybe

Many people assume or advocate for drinking more water to relieve dry skin. The jury is still out on whether internal hydration will make a difference in wintertime dryness. According to dermatologists, an individual must be clinically dehydrated to experience any changes to their skin.

While drinking more water might not help your skin, many people do not realize they are already not drinking enough. Experts recommend consuming half your body weight in ounces to remain adequately hydrated.

Try Other Remedies for Dry Skin

Serums, lotions, and water are not the only things you can try to rehydrate your irritated winter skin. Many people find that using a humidifier can make a world of difference. Additionally, wearing the proper clothing when going outside can help. For instance, wearing gloves, a scarf, and a winter coat can protect your skin from the damaging wind and cold.

You can also alter your diet to include more antioxidant-rich foods and omega-3 fatty acids. For instance, eating blueberries, carrots, tomatoes, peas, lentils, and beans can contribute to skin health by removing toxins from the body and promoting healthy cell production. Salmon can also contribute to glowing skin.

You have many options. Some of the other things you might want to try include:

  • Oatmeal baths
  • Coconut oil
  • Petroleum jelly
  • Lukewarm showers

Dry skin in the winter is a struggle. However, by adopting the proper skincare routine and staying hydrating, you can protect the health and beauty of your skin.

How do you keep your skin moisturized in the winter? Comment below.

4 Herbs To Add to Your Diet for a Longer, Healthier and Happier Life

Here’s the thing: The human body is not designed to live for 150 years. However, that doesn’t stop many people from wishing they could be the anomaly so long as they were promised a high quality of life in the next century. In reality, the decline of physical health is a normal and inevitable process. Though the science behind it is complex, gradual health decline occurs largely because of oxidative stress and inflammation. What this means is that, though you are never promised another day, there are several things you can do to preserve your physical and mental health for years, if not decades, to come. One simple step you can start taking today involves changing your diet to incorporate these four herbs for longevity.

1. Ginger

When it comes to “food medicine,” ginger is one of the most potent, easily accessible and tasty remedies you can find in local grocery stores. Ginger has several outstanding benefits, including antioxidative properties, anti-inflammatory properties and cancer-fighting agents. Each of these benefits, when they come together, means one thing: Increased longevity. You can reap the benefits of ginger simply by adding it to your meals a few times a week, shaving off a piece into a hot cup of tea, grating it onto your food or eating it as a fresh extract.

2. Chili Peppers

Though not an herb, chili peppers are often ground up and jarred to be used as spices, which warrants them a spot on this life. Chili peppers of all kinds — including jalapenos, cayenne and red peppers — contain capsaicin, which is the compound that makes them spicy. That compound is also a powerful anti-inflammatory agent. It’s so powerful, in fact, that a 2015 study of over half a million Chinese people found that people who regularly eat spicy foods are less likely to die of all causes than people who rarely or never eat spicy foods.

So, how often should you hit the hot sauce? Because the benefits of capsaicin are cumulative, researchers recommend eating spicy foods as many as six to seven times per week to gain the most benefit.

3. Turmeric

Turmeric has become a trending ingredient in recent years among groups that promote herbal remedies. However, Asian civilizations have been using turmeric as a natural medicine for millennia due to its powerful anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. One of the main compounds in turmeric — curcumin — is also an antioxidant. Together, turmeric and curcumin boast several health benefits, including improved memory, better brain health and a reduced risk for chronic conditions. Though it doesn’t hurt to cook with turmeric (it’s what gives curry its flavor), you will need to take a supplement to realize the full health benefits.

4. Ginseng

Ginseng is not called the “king of herbs” for no reason. Ginseng is one of the few plants that is considered an adaptogen, which is a substance that increases the body’s resilience to stressors of all kinds. It does this by acting as a “micro-trigger” to the body, helping it grow stronger to emotional, physical and environmental stressors. Though ginseng cannot help you become impervious to stress, it can improve your ability to react to it in a healthy way and recover more quickly. Considering stress is a major contributor of inflammation and an immunosuppressant, ginseng is one of the best herbs you can add to your diet for increased longevity.

As a bonus, ginseng also boasts anti-inflammatory and antioxidative properties. As if that’s not enough, a growing body of research suggests that the herb contains cancer-fighting and immunomodulatory properties as well. Moreover, research suggests it can help people with diabetes control their blood sugar levels and improve memory and learning.

To truly reap the benefits of ginseng, you need to consume it daily. You can take it in capsule form, drink it as an herbal tea or spice your food with it.

Improving your life and lifespan does not have to be hard. Simply by adding the aforementioned herbs to your diet, you can take several leaps in the right direction.

4 Household Appliances That Can Lower Anxiety

Anxiety can put a damper on your day, week or even month, depending on how bad your attacks are and how frequently you experience them. As a result, you may be willing to do everything you can to prevent episodes from occurring, from wearing lavender in a locket around your neck to drinking stress relief tea like it’s water. Though there is some merit in natural remedies, you may find it more helpful to combat anxiety by eliminating your triggers. While you have little control over factors outside of your home, you can create a virtually trigger-free space in which you can relax and sip your herbal tea in peace.

So, where do you begin with creating such a space? With these four household appliances.

Robo Vacuum

Clutter and mess are two of the greatest sources of anxiety for men and women alike, as clutter signals to the brain that your work is never done. As a homemaker, however, mess and clutter can be doubly stressful, as you must find the time to tackle it. And when you can’t, you may feel like a failure.

Though a robot vacuum cannot put away the dirty laundry or pick up your spouse’s socks, it can keep your floors free of dirt, dust, pet dander and other dirty particles. It also makes vacuuming one less thing you have to worry about throughout the day, thereby easing your anxiety just ever so slightly.

Pet Camera

If you have a furry family member who must stay home alone for long stretches throughout the day, you may stress about his or her safety and comfort levels. Well, stress no more. A pet camera can allow you to keep an eye on your fur baby 24/7 and from anywhere with internet access. The stream goes directly to your phone, making it easy for you to keep tabs on your furry friends wherever you go.

Pet cameras are not all created equal. Some provide strictly remote monitoring capabilities. Others, however, let you talk to your pets while you’re away, and the more advanced ones even allow you to disperse treats at your leisure.

Smart Doorbells

Do you worry about what becomes of your mail and packages while you’re away? Does the sound of the doorbell trigger a flurry of anxiety as you wonder who is at the door? Do you constantly worry about whether your children made it off the school bus safely? A smart doorbell can give you the insight you crave by sending live footage of the goings-on of your front door and yard directly to your phone — and, in the process, ease your anxiety.

Smart Air Purifier

Research shows that air quality can affect mental health in people of all ages. Particularly, studies focus on the link between air pollution and stress and anxiety. Those studies found that individuals who live in environments with poor air quality have a high risk of developing severe anxiety and depression, despite the lack of any other indicators for mental illness.

If you or a loved one have recently been experiencing anxiety attacks for seemingly no reason, the air quality in your home may be bad. Consider purchasing a smart air purifier, which you can set to turn on and off as air quality changes or that you can control from your phone.

By adding a few small appliances and devices to your home, you can drastically reduce your anxiety levels and improve your quality of life. The four aforementioned appliances are small and inexpensive upgrades that can have a big impact.

Understanding the Causes and Treatments of Mucus Overproduction

While overproduction of it can become a nuisance, mucus serves a significant purpose: the lubrication and filtration of the respiratory system. Mucous membranes run from your lungs up to your nose. The membranes produce the mucus that acts as a glue or sticky substrate for viruses, dust, and allergens to stick to — think about it like a fly trap.

When these membranes are working optimally, mucus is usually not a problem. Unfortunately, the membranes can sometimes work too hard and overproduce mucus and phlegm, resulting in frequent throat clearing.

Causes of Mucus Overproduction

While there are many illnesses or conditions that can lead to excessive mucus production, your environment can also play a role. Some of the environmental and lifestyle factors that contribute to excess mucus and phlegm include:

  • Dry indoor environments
  • Dehydration
  • Smoking
  • High consumption of coffee, tea, and alcohol
  • Certain medications

While environmental factors and lifestyle choices can lead to mucus overproduction, health conditions often contribute to the problem. The primary issues that lead to mucus overproduction include:

  • Allergies
  • Asthma
  • Acid reflux
  • Lung diseases
  • Infections

Remedies for Mucus Overproduction

Many people will experience the overproduction of mucus at least once in their lives, but it is not a frequent experience. Other people have to deal with the problem regularly. If you deal with mucus overproduction frequently, you might want to consult your primary care physician to see if any underlying conditions are causing the problem.

For the occasional occurrence of mucus overproduction, a doctor might recommend either an over-the-counter or prescription medication. OTC medications include those under the category of expectorants. These medicines help to loosen and thin mucus, helping you clear it from your chest and throat as it becomes phlegm.

Some prescription medications fall under the category of mucolytics, like hypertonic saline and dornase alfa. These medicines are mucus thinners, and they are inhaled. A doctor might also prescribe antibiotics if the mucus problem results from a bacterial infection.

Home Solutions for Mucus Overproduction

Medications are not always necessary to alleviate excessive mucus production. In fact, there are at least seven things you can do to help resolve your phlegm and mucus problem.

The first thing you can do is gargle with warm saltwater. The saltwater kills any germs in the back of your throat and can help loosen mucus.

Second, make sure that your home is not too dry. Using a humidifier will help to thin your mucus.

Third, elevate your head. When you lay flat, mucus collects at the back of your throat, resulting in coughing and a need to clear your throat.

Fourth, avoid potential irritants, such as fragrances, pollution, and chemicals. Odorous materials can irritate mucous membranes, resulting in more mucus production.

Fifth, do not use decongestants. While decongestants are excellent medications for drying out secretions, they can actually make it harder to reduce mucus.

Sixth, stay hydrated. Drink plenty of water because it helps mucus flow while loosening congestion. While many people want to drink warm liquids, which can help, you should avoid caffeinated beverages.

Finally, if you smoke, stop. Smoking is notorious for instigating the overproduction of mucus.

The overproduction of mucus can be uncomfortable. There are many possible reasons for the problem, but talking with your doctor is the only way to know what is causing the issue. Have you ever tried any of the relief methods above? If so, which worked best?

Why I Stopped Using My Fitness Tracking App

Since their rise in popularity five to 10 years ago, smartwatches and fitness trackers have changed the way people approach fitness and health. While once upon a time individuals would only count the number of calories they burned while on a treadmill, today they are able to track their process at every waking moment. Not only that, but smart devices enable wearers to monitor their sleep patterns, count their calories, track their heart rates and more. While you, like so many others, may assume that this kind of insider knowledge can help you more easily stay motivated and hit your wellness goals, experts worry that the constant access to data may feed obsessive tendencies. These experts are not wrong.

Constant Tracking Causes Anxiety … And Feeds Addictive Tendencies

If you use a fitness tracking app, you know all too well how quickly fitness — or, rather, the data — can overtake your life. In your pre-app life, you may have gauged your level of fitness on how good you felt, how well your pants fit and how much energy you brought to each day. Since downloading the app, though, you may suddenly feel as if you’re not good enough when you struggle to meet that 10,000-step-a-day milestone.

For instance, your levels of anxiety may increase as the sun begins to set and you only have 8,000 steps logged. Feelings of inadequacy may creep in when you notice that your friend logged 1,000 steps more than you even though you’ve been awake for the same amount of time. Though you may be ashamed to admit it, you may have put a conversation on pause once or twice to jog in place or take a couple of laps around the room.

If you can relate to one or all of the aforementioned scenarios, you have tracking-induced anxiety. Though a new phenomenon, it is common and grows increasingly more so with each passing day. Instead of letting fitness tracking apps continue to zap the pleasure out of working out and nurturing your body, it may be time to revert to the old ways of monitoring your health. Chances are you will be happier for it.

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Fitness Tracking Fosters Unrealistic Expectations

Somewhere between the development of fitness tracking apps and the surge in their popularity, a myth was born, and that is that you need to take 10,000 steps a day to achieve optimal health. There is no scientific basis for this assertion, and, in fact, most active people do not walk this much in a single day. Yet, not only does this myth prevail but also, it contributes to even more unrealistic expectations. These expectations can deter even the most motivated of individuals from walking daily. For people who are just starting out, they can be downright daunting.

Fitness Tracking Does Not Consider the Intensity of a Workout

For you to realize all the touted benefits of exercise, you must succeed at getting your heart rate up. Heart rate increases with the intensity of a workout, not with an increase in the number of steps you take. You can take 10,000 steps every day, but if those steps are taken at a slow pace, they may do you little good. However, if 1,000 of your 7,000 daily steps are taken during a high-intensity exercise, you may be better off than a person who routinely takes 10,000 steps per day. Fitness tracking apps do not take the intensity of a workout into consideration and, therefore, often provide inaccurate data.

The idea behind fitness tracking apps is admirable. Yet, there are several variables for which they do not account and, more worrisome, they cause more stress than they alleviate. For that reason, many people have given them up in 2022, and you should consider doing the same.

EBMT: Advances in Weight Loss Procedures

Obesity is an epidemic, and it is one with few options — medication, lifestyle modifications, and bariatric surgery — until recently. For many patients, lifestyle alterations and drugs are not enough for lasting change. While bariatric options are capable solutions, most patients struggle to meet surgical requirements, and even if they do, they opt out of surgery because of fear and anxiety.

Thankfully, because of recent medical advancements, overweight patients have options outside of lifestyle interventions and invasive surgeries. Endoscopic bariatric and metabolic therapies provide a necessary median between dietary changes and surgical options.

EBMT procedures present fewer risks than traditional bariatric surgeries and are outpatient procedures. The process involves the insertion of a small, flexible scope through the patient's mouth and requires reducing their stomach volume and possible alterations to the digestive tract. The reduced risks and minimal invasiveness mean an entirely new patient pool can receive treatment for obesity and other metabolic diseases.

The Rise of Noninvasive Procedures and Customization

While not a widespread practice at the moment, EBMT procedures are growing in popularity. One of the few institutions currently providing various EBMT services in the Midwest is the University of Michigan's Michigan Medicine program.

According to the program's head, it is a multidisciplinary approach to treatment, using nutritionists, gastrointestinal psychologists, medical bariatrician, and bariatric surgeons. Each medical professional plays a role in developing a personalized plan for each patient, integrating their personal goals and expectations.

The Michigan Medicine program and others like it aim to provide noninvasive options for patients in need and customized solutions to improve the odds of a successful outcome. Unfortunately, because the methods are still new, many insurance providers do not cover EBMT procedures, meaning patients should consider the costs and work with a financial counselor to review options.

Types of EBMT Procedures

There are three popular options for EBMT procedures: intragastric balloon therapy, endoscopic sleeve gastroplasty, and aspiration therapy. Intragastric balloon therapy is for patients with a BMI of 30 to 40. During the procedure, a bariatric surgeon endoscopically inserts fluid or gas-filled balloons through the patient's mouth and into their stomach during a 30-minute procedure. The balloons decrease the available space in the stomach, limiting food consumption. This procedure is reversible, and balloons require removal after six months.

An endoscopic sleeve gastroplasty is intended for patients with a BMI of more than 30. While it is compared to the traditional surgical sleeve gastrectomy, this procedure is minimally invasive and incisionless with a low complication rate. It is an excellent option for nonsurgical candidates and provides the possibility of sustained weight loss.

Finally, aspiration therapy is for those patients with a BMI of 35 to 55 and involves the placement of a tube device and drain. A surgeon places the device through a small incision endoscopically into the stomach, leaving a port valve outside the body. The patient will aspirate or open the drain up to three times per day, 30 minutes after each meal. The valve allows up to 30% of a meal to evacuate the system over 10 minutes. The evacuated contents can be discarded.

Aspiration therapy requires medical monitoring, but it can provide an option for long-term weight loss. Patients will need to maintain hygiene and cleanliness practices to reduce the risk of infection or other issues.

Despite the continued obesity epidemic, medical procedures constantly evolve to help combat the problem and offer a solution to qualified candidates. Have you heard of any other new treatments or procedures for weight loss or management?

3 Holiday Favorites Reimagined

The holidays are an especially difficult time when following a diet. It is a challenge to see everyone around you indulging in sweets and feel like you are missing out. Fortunately, there are ways to indulge in sweets without blowing your diet, and the following three recipes are only the tip of the iceberg in terms of healthy options.

1. Paleo Gingerbread Cookies

Nothing says the holiday season like gingerbread cookies. Unfortunately, too many recipes call for loads of sugar. This recipe, however, is paleo-friendly and doesn't sacrifice flavor.


  • 1 medium sweet potato
  • 2 tablespoons molasses
  • 1/4 cup tahini paste
  • 1/2 teaspoon baking powder
  • 3/4 teaspoon ground ginger
  • 1/3 cup coconut flour
  • 3/4 teaspoon cinnamon
  • 1/2 teaspoon baking soda
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 1/4 teaspoon ground cloves


  1. Preheat your oven to 350°.
  2. Before cooking, wash the sweet potato and dry it. Spear with a knife a few times. Microwave until soft, typically five to six minutes.
  3. In a medium-sized bowl, scoop out the insides of the potato. Add the molasses, ginger, cloves, salt, baking powder, baking soda, cinnamon, coconut flour, and tahini. Start stirring to combine the ingredients; as the dough thickens, use your hands to continue mixing.
  4. Placing the dough on a baking sheet, shape individual cookies, approximately 1/4-inch thick and 2 1/2-inch diameter.
  5. Place in the oven and bake for a minimum of 10-minutes.

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2. Apple Crisp

Apples are a healthy option, but they typically lose a lot of benefits when thrown into pies and desserts. This dessert maintains the nutrition and avoids a lot of the pitfalls of other sweets.


  • 4 cups apples peeled, sliced in 1/4 inch thick pieces
  • 1/4 teaspoon ground ginger
  • 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon
  • 1 tablespoon coconut oil, melted

Crisp Topping:

  • 1 cup old fashioned oats
  • 1/3 cup pecans, chopped
  • 2 tablespoons coconut oil
  • 1/4 teaspoon nutmeg
  • 1/4 teaspoon ground ginger
  • 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon
  • 1 tablespoon maple syrup


  1. Preheat your oven to 350°, and grease an 8x8 baking dish.
  2. Prepare the apples by peeling and cutting them into slices. Toss the apples in a bowl with cinnamon, melted coconut oil, and ginger and set aside.
  3. Mix all the ingredients for the crisp topping together in a separate dish.
  4. Layer the baking dish first with the apple mixture, followed by the crisp topping layer.
  5. Cover the dish with aluminum foil and bake for 20 minutes at 350°. Remove the cover and bake until apples are fork-tender with a golden brown topping, about another 10 to 20-minutes.

3. Pumpkin Spice Latte

Want to add a little oomph to your espresso? This recipe is healthy and flavorful, and it doesn't take too long to make.


  • 2 tablespoon pumpkin puree
  • 1 cup almond milk
  • 1/4 cup espresso
  • 1 teaspoon maple syrup
  • 1/4 teaspoon pumpkin pie spice


  1. Warm the almond milk in a suitable saucepan and whisk in the maple syrup, pumpkin puree, and spice. Combine thoroughly. There is no need to bring the mix to a boil.
  2. Make the espresso while waiting for the milk mixture to heat.
  3. To froth the mixture, you can use a frother or whisk vigorously in the pan.
  4. Finally, pour the milk mixture into a mug, top with the espresso, and enjoy.

There is no reason you can't enjoy the holidays with a sweet treat. There are plenty of healthy recipes out there, but these three represent some of the best.

What are your favorite holiday treats? Comment below.

3 Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Brush Your Teeth Right After Breakfast

Hopefully, brushing your teeth is a staple of your morning and bedtime routines. (If it's not; it's past time to start!) Brushing at least twice a day like this is crucial for both your oral health and your overall health. While getting into a brushing routine that includes brushing first thing in the morning and last thing before lights out is great, it’s time to stop brushing your teeth right after breakfast. Here are three reasons why:

1. Your Morning Breath Is Trying To Tell You Something

Morning breath — or “dragon breath,” as my grandkids like to call it — isn’t just the side effect of a dry mouth. It’s due to the massive amount of bacteria that has quietly multiplied in your mouth overnight. In other words, your mouth is kind of gross when you first wake up and a literal breeding ground for tooth decay.

As such, most dental health experts recommend brushing your teeth before breakfast, first thing when you wake up. You might think of it like hitting the “reset” button on your mouth.

2. Your Mouth Needs Saliva, STAT

Right about now, you’re probably thinking, “Why in the world is more spit a good thing?” Three reasons:

  1. It eliminates harmful bacteria roaming around your mouth. After multiplying all night long, they’re running wild by sunrise.

  2. It helps breaks down what you eat. This takes stress off your teeth and jaws.

  3. Saliva plays a pivotal role in protecting your teeth by re-mineralizing your enamel.

Who knew spit was so essential to your health?

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3. Many Breakfast Foods Are Acidic

If you must brush your teeth after breakfast, the American Dental Association strongly suggests that you wait an hour before doing the deed. The reason for this can be found on your breakfast table: Several breakfast staples, including coffee, sugary cereal, toast, citrus fruits and many juices are acidic. Brush your teeth too soon after the most important meal of the day, and you’re just spreading that acid around your mouth, helping it weaken your teeth and stripping off your tooth enamel with your very own toothbrush.

Unsurprisingly, this is terrible for your smile. It not only erodes your tooth enamel and damages your gums, but it also stops your saliva from beefing up your teeth’s natural defenses. Your teeth enamel is the hardest substance in your body, but even it can’t stand up to the potent combination of acid and bristles. Over time, enamel loss can lead to a host of undesirable side effects:

  • Yellow teeth

  • Higher risk of cavities

  • Increased tooth sensitivity when consuming hot, cold or super-sweet foods and drinks

  • Abscesses

  • Tooth loss

Tooth erosion isn’t reversible, either. Once that enamel is gone, it’s gone for good. Depending on how far things progress, you may need fillings, crowns, veneers and even a root canal or two to maintain your smile. While you wait to brush, drink plenty of water or pop a piece of sugar-free gum into your mouth to start safely precleaning your chompers.

Why Not Just Skip Breakfast?

This isn’t a healthy alternative to smart brushing. Your body needs those morning nutrients to propel you through your day. Instead of skipping breakfast all together, enjoy acidic foods in moderation and chow down on plenty of calcium-rich, non-acidic fare such as yogurt and chia seeds.

While we’re at it, it’s not smart to skip brushing your teeth, either. While brushing after breakfast is far from ideal, it’s better than leaving your toothbrush in the medicine cabinet until bedtime.

If you’ve been brushing your teeth right after breakfast for years — decades even — it can be hard to revamp your morning routine, but it’s worth it. Daily brushing right after your morning coffee or OJ can do more harm them good. Keep your winning smile — and your original teeth — by waiting an hour after eating breakfast to fire up your electric toothbrush.